Saturday 10 December 2016



Christmas season is indeed a wonderful period to show love and affection to others by paying them a visit and giving out gifts. It is usually a time for celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ who is the founder of Christianity. It is celebrated on 25th of December, every year.


"Christmas is the perfect time to celebrate God's love and family and also to create memories that will last forever"

"It is the spirit of giving to others with a sense of love, without thinking of getting in return"

"Christmas is never a season, but a good feeling"

"With it, everything becomes softer and more beautiful, what a great feeling"

"It gives us a sense of belonging and to pause and reflect on the important things surrounding us"

"Christ said, 'I am with you always', what better way and day to reflect on the sayings of Christ than Christmas?"

"I will do my best to keep Christmas always dear to my heart and to reflect on the wonderful teachings of Christ, won't you?"

"Every gift given, no matter how little it is, is great if it is given with affection and love"

"The two most joyful time of the year are Christmas and New Year"

"Christmas comes but once in a year, so make good cheer and enjoy the day"

"Christmas is joy, an inner joy of light and peace"

"It is a season for rejoicing and reflection"

Christmas is a good feeling of happiness and joy"

"It wave a magic wand over the world"

"He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under the tree"

"Christmas is the day that holds all time together"

"It illuminates the picture window of the soul and we become more interested in people than in things"

Christmas is every time we love and give, it is love in action"

"I will honour Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year"

"It is a tonic for our soul"

 "Lets be naughty and save Santa the trip"

"It is doing something a little extra for someone"

"Christmas is a fine season of joy to think of those we love and cherish"

"Continuous Christmas is a good conscience"

"Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share the fun, laughter, happiness and blessings, all the snow in Alaska would not make it white"

"Christmas time is fun time, I love the weather in Christmas"

"Hurray, its Christmas day, lets put on our dancing shoes and get the party started"

"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way"

"I love you for Christmas, hope you do same"

"Light a candle, let the whole world know that its Christmas, a wonderful time of the year"

You can add yours to the list and share with your loved ones.

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