Friday 27 May 2016


Prayer can be said to be a communication between God and man. In other words, prayer is simply a channel through which mortals communicate with Divinity. Prayer is a powerful tool in the hands of him that knows how to use it very well. The Holy Book says; 'pray without season', therefore I can boldly say, there are no set time for prayers, no morning, afternoon or evening prayers, the best time to pray is 'always' time. Having said that, the table is set and is time to serve you the delicious meal of the day. Below are twenty two (22) powerful prayer quotes with scriptures.


"Every challenge is a stepping stone to your breakthrough in life"

"Whatsoever we bound on earth will be bound in heaven"

"Prayer is asking God to intervene on your behalf in a given situation on the basis of his word"

"Prayer is joining forces, fellowship with God and carrying out his will on the earth"

"It seems God is limited on our prayer life, he can do nothing on our behalf until we ask him"

"Prayer is taking God's word back to God, it is using scriptures constructively"

"Prevailing prayer is word based, heart felt and faith filled prayer that is result oriented. It is refusing to take no for an answer, persistently and consistently demanding for a change"

"Prevailing prayer attains the blessing that seeks"

"Never spend a day without communicating with God"

"Every time you pray, God changes you from an individual to a nation"

"Prayer is for the soul what nourishment is for the body"

"Prayers determine the events on earth"

"If you do not pray, God will not act"

"Heaven does not determine the affairs on earth, it is the earth that determine the affairs of heaven"

"Prayer changes situations"

"Prayer is a booster of revelation"

"To enjoy miracles, you must be prayerful"

"Prayer delivers and restores"

"Prayer leads to fulfillment of prophesies"

"Without prayer as a warfare, no welfare"

"Prayer sets you free from afflictions"

"Satan is not afraid of power, he is afraid of prayer"


  • Ephesians 4:27
  • Genesis 1:28
  • Psalm 115:16
  • Luke 4:5-6
  • Colossians 1:16

  • 2nd Corithians 1:4
  • Colossians 1:13-14
  • Revelation 5:9-10
  • Psalm 89:34
  • Mathew 6:9-11

  • Isiah 43:25-26
  • 2nd Corithians 5:11
  • Luke 8:1-9
  • Luke 8:17
  • Luke 18:8

  • Mark 10:27
  • Hebrews 4:16
  • 1st Chronicle 4:9-10
  • 1st Thessalonians 5:17
  • 1st Peter 5:7

  • Mathew 18:18
  • Acts 12:5
  • Psalm 50:15
  • 2nd Peter 1:3
  • 2nd corinthians 4:4

  • Nehemiah 5:11-12
    1st Timothy 1:18
    James 5:13-14
    James 4:2.

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