Sunday 11 December 2016


17 Brainchild Quotes are collection of my favorite inspiring and motivating quotes written in a poetic sense with meanings and insights. Be inspired even as you glance through and pick up some tiny meaningful fragments from the quotes. 


"How pathetic the whole world seem?"

"Everything just like it seems yesterday"

"Moving from pillar to post would get you no where"

"Think as much as you can and act as much as you think"

"Unfathomable truth lies deep underneath nature's conquests"

"Where and when would this sad feelings end? There is indeed a happy ending for us all"

"The brain is awakened, thoughts are fresh, words are inspiring, feel the outpouring"

"Wealth is comely not for a fool but the wise who knows how to make good use of knowledge tools"

"The best is yet to come, good days never ending, hope for the hopeless and life for the 'living lifeless'"

"Do not think twice, grab hold of this tool, it sharpens the mind and broadens the senses"

"Others may laugh but not to worry, you have a happy ending"

"A wonderful baby cries for joy, the weeps of his mother turned into joy and love now has new light"

"Don't cry, don't be sad, I heard a voice clearly, 'I am with you always, closer than breathing', more than you can ever imagine"

"If only you can realize this, surely you have nothing to fear or worry about"

"Love makes us thick and strong, unity binds us together, no discord can break"

"If you see a loved one, kindly pass this message across"

"The love of a brainchild"

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