Saturday 17 December 2016


No matter how hard things seems, there is still a reserve of joy and happiness on the inside. Laughter has proven countless times to be a wonderful antidote for worries, disappointment and failures as it softens tension and keeps you joyous even in dark times that seems never ending. Are you ready for this? If you are, then stop whatever you are doing right now, sit in a nice and comfortable chair while you digest these 27 ever green laughter quotes to lighten up your mood for the day.


"Laughter is my hobby, its what I love doing best"

"It gives me joy, happiness and calmness"

"When ever I laugh, I give out the most wonderful treasure of all"

"It is never too late to brighten the day with a little laugh"

"Don't be bored always, get off from the thick cloud surrounding you and laugh out the steam away"

"I laugh always because I know all things are beautiful from within"

"Take a deep breath, relax the muscle and give a wonderful dose of laughter"

"You may not always be right but its not by being right always but by being true to yourself"

"Stop worrying, cracking your bones and teeth in a very sad way, let it go, smile and let off the ache"

"Give me a tiny little bit of laughter and you will always be dear in my heart"

"Good things go with joy and laughter"

"Having wonderful friends and being happy always, is the best medicine"

  "My love and best friend is one who makes me laugh and cheer me up always"

"I would give up the whole world, just to be with someone that makes me laugh and wonderful to be with"

"The more you laugh, the less wrinkles you have"

"I have a song for you and that is ' love don't cost a thing and a great laugh don't either"

'If you wake up in the morning, smile, at work, smile, on your bed smile, for good things come to them that smile and laugh no matter the circumstances or challenge"

"I always teach my kids to smile always and that has helped them a lot at school"

"If only you can give someone a smile today, then you have succeeded in saving a soul from the grave"

"When you laugh at a problem, you make it look insignificant and thus find a perfect solution for it"

 "Women are most times moved by laughter and that shows how wonderful they are"

"If you want laughter and joy in your life, then learn to give it out and in doing so, you will have much more in abundance"

"I am happy because I found true love, my joy is ever blue and I feel like am on top of the world with laughter"

"When the brain is hot, calm it down with laughter"

"Laughter can only come from within, so learn to laugh even when things gets out of shape"

"There is a world of laughter within"

"What I want you to do is laugh, laugh and laugh to face any difficult challenge with ease"

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