Monday 5 December 2016



12 Bowman Quotes is collection of quotes that describes the present trend of things and gives hope to the hopeless, encouraging all going through difficult times, never to give up as there is still surplus on the table for those that have no food to eat and wealth and happiness for those without.


"All things are not as it used to be, nevertheless, there is still hope for the timid bunch"

"How beautiful are the tiny pieces of nature, its endless wonderful colours"

"A thousand years passed away, yet it seems just like yesterday"

"Hands stretched forth to bless the less privilege who then became the privileged few"

"The lots of mankind struggling like sheep with no shepherd, feeding from hand to mouth"

"Where is the man of the house? He is busy in his usual schedule, forgetting the lots that cry out day and night for help"

"Who will rescue the poor from this great torment? while many are left under homes with no roof"

"'There is still hope for us all', says the preacher, hope for the hopeless, wealth for the 'wealth-less' and happiness for the 'happy-less'"

"Nevertheless, when will this hope come?"

"My hope is sure to come when all hope seems lost, my victory is sure even in the darkest and trying times"

"On top of a palm tree, I heard a sound echoed in my ears, saying, 'don't give up'"

"I say to all, 'don't give up', soon you will rejoice" 

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