Sunday 9 October 2016


The quote am about to share with you is one of my Favourite Quotes.


"Success screams like a river seeking a outlet; you either grab hold of a bucket or a drum in order to fetch its wonderfulness"


Success beckons and cries all day, months and possibly years, seeking for who will focus his or her attention on it. A lot of persons do not focus their attention on being successful, they rather focus it on several other things instead of one particular thing at a time. One major ingredient for success is 'Focus'; the more you put your attention on a particular thing or action, the better your chances for success.

People are limited only by their thoughts and imagination as some would prefer to use only a bucket to fetch from the stream of opportunities while others who I believe are wiser would prefer to use a bigger drum. In essence, it is better to make good use of any opportunity you have right now because no matter how little it may be as 1+1=2, that opportunity will lead you to more better opportunities and success you deserve in every area of your life.

As the bride gets attracted to the groom, so also the groom gets attracted to the bride; Success only gets attracted to those that are attracted to it, so make it an habit to consider success as a best friend and you can be sure of having a very close and wonderful companion than you can ever imagine; you will be successful at whatever you do.

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