Tuesday 29 March 2016



Quote of the day is one of my Favourite Quote.


"Purpose is what gives birth to invention."


Do you have a desire to invent something or become someone you ever dreamed of becoming, well if that is your desire right now, am glad to inform you that the channel with which you can get whatever you desire in life is PURPOSE.

Purpose may be defined as that which motivates you and keep you in focus towards achieving your goals and desires in life. Without purpose in life, you are like a man sailing in the Atlantic Ocean with no direction of where you are heading to even if you have the desire of getting onshore. Life itself is vast, the world you live in has a whole lot of things in it that a man with no purpose of what he wants out of life would end up moving from one direction to the other with no significant impact or work done.

You may gladly say to me, 'I have a dream' to be this or that but my reply to you would be that anyone can have a dream, even the mad man on the street also has a dream, a 5 year old child can have a dream of becoming a world leader but without purpose backing that dream, he can never become what he dreamed. Purpose is not a 'wishing scheme', it is having a very strong desire and focus in acquiring or achieving what one desires, I can have a dream of becoming the most successful businessman of this planet but without a strong feeling or desire of accomplishing that, I will hardly go far.

God almighty himself had a purpose for creating man such that after creating everything on earth including the plants, trees, animals, seas, oceans, he discovered there was no one to take care of the things he created, this prompted him with the desire of creating man to be in charge of all the other things that he created. He formed man from the dust of the ground according to the account of the book Genesis and breathed in him the breath of life and man became a living soul. Without purpose, there is no way God would have created the world for man to live in, likewise, without purpose, there is no way a man can succeed at whatever he does on earth.

Most of the successful individuals of the world today are people of purpose, in true fact, one of the way to tell between a man of purpose and a man without purpose is to look into the life of both carefully and you will discover that the man with purpose knows where he is heading to and is usually more successful than the man without purpose.  

When Jesus came to this earth, he had a purpose for coming, he never came just to look at our faces and live a life normally as every other person was living but had a purpose to die on the cross and redeem mankind from the power of sin, giving us a new way of life in God. If not for the purpose and desire of God to bring man once more unto himself, Jesus would not have gone to the cross, he would have just ended up like every other person before him.

In conclusion, be a man of purpose, know why you are created on planet earth, what distinguishes you from every other person and have that strong desire inside of you to accomplish whatever it is you make up your mind to accomplish and I can promise you that there is nothing you can not accomplish with the mind set of purpose.

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