Monday 28 March 2016


Quote of the day is a Biblical Quote.


"He that walks with wise men shall be wise but a company of fools shall be destroyed." Proverbs 13:20.


There is a saying that goes like this, 'show me your friend and I will tell you the type of person you are', this saying is as correct as 1+1 = 2. The people you allow into your life as friends will tend to shape your life either positively or negatively. It is good to make friends as long as they are the ones that motivates you in achieving your divine purpose in life.

If you stay in the company or gang of armed robbers or prostitute, it would not be hard for people to identify you as an armed robber or a prostitute, same also if you dwell in the company of intelligent and forward thinking individuals as your friends, it will not be hard for others to identify you as such. A wise man would always want to be in the company of wise men because that is his nature while a foolish man has no business being in the company of wise men except he wants and desires to change from his folly to being wise.

Learn to always move and walk with wise men so you too can be wise as they. If you are a graduate for example and you go out on the street and start playing draft (board game) with others who do not even smell the four walls of the university, soon or later your mentality will change as you will start reasoning like them as an illiterate instead of a graduate and forget everything you are thought in school. Always take out time to strategically select the kind of people you go out with, don't just follow the crowd otherwise you will end up with the crowd at the bottom, instead follow those that are at the top or that aspire to be at the top and you will be found at the top also.

Iron sharpens iron, wood can never sharpen iron or iron sharpen wood, everything sharpens it's kind so also is friendship, a wise man will make his friend as wise as himself but a foolish man can never make you wise instead the both of you not being wise as a blind man leading another blind man will soon end up in a dish. If you should take a close look at the rich and wealthy individuals, they don't hang around with poor and never do well individuals but instead they hang around others like themselves, so if you desire to be rich, learn to hang around rich people, if you desire to be wise hang around wise people, whatever it is that you desire, make sure you look for those that have that same quality that you are after and make friends with them and soon or later you will become like them.

In conclusion, your friends are like reading glass in which others tend to look into and tell what kind of person you are. Avoid the company of friends that do not portray the type of image you want people to identify you with, stay clear from such friends as much as you can and make friends with those that possess the qualities you want others to see in you and very soon the world will recognize you as someone of value and substance......a wise man.

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