Wednesday 30 March 2016


Quote of the day is an Anonymous Quote.


"Until you can grasp the picture of what is on the inside of you, you will never make a difference in life."


The picture of what is on the inside of you is worth more than a thousand pictures on the outside. You are unique and different from every other living thing on the surface of the earth, your purpose of creation is different and to be able to fulfill your God given purpose, you must learn to always look on the inside of you.  Greatness can be found on the inside because that's where the fountain of greatness dwells, no man has ever made a mark in any chosen area of life trying to copy what he sees on the outside but what he sees on the inside. There is he that dwells on the inside of every man which is greater than the one that dwells on the outside, the one that dwells on the inside is God almighty who formed man in his own image and likeness.

You have on the inside of you power, the world has never known or heard of, there is something you carry that the world is longing for to manifest. Whatever you desire in life is right there on the inside of you, if it is wealth you desire, look to your inside and you will find it, if it is greatness, good health, better relationship, just look to your inside and you will surely find it, nothing is impossible to him that constantly look on his inside and believe in his God given nature.

To constantly look on your inside, you must constantly learn to believe or trust in God and in yourself than others or the events you see happening around you, learn to take your focus away from the distraction of the world and dwell mostly upon your inside and you will surely make a mark in your generation.

In conclusion. do not be like others that depend on what they see happening around them to make their decisions because the happenings around may be false but be constantly relying on the inside of you having a strong believe in God and in yourself, and you will become a master of fate and will affect your generation more positively than ever. 

My Question: What is your understanding of greatness?

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