Wednesday 17 February 2016


Quote of the day is credited to Abraham Terah. He is considered to be 'the father of many nations' and the father of Isaac and Grand father of Jacob whose name was later changed to Israel.


"The Lord shall provide."


 Abraham, a man greatly blessed by God according to the story in the book of Genesis. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac, a son he begot at his old age. Although by human nature Abraham would have refused to do so but he believed God and woke his only son Isaac up one faithful morning that they should go up the mountain to offer some sacrifices to God. On their way Isaac asked his father Abraham, 'father where is the ram for the sacrifice' and Abraham replied his son Isaac, 'son, the lord will surely provide'. To cut the long story short, when Abraham has laid his only son on the alter for the sacrifice and was about to raise his knife against his only child that a voice came down from heaven saying 'Abraham stop, do not lay a finger on your son, for now I know that you are indeed faithful to, look behind you and you will see a ram', Abraham looked and behold there was a ram which he used as the sacrifice instead of his son Isaac.

There are a lot of times when we need a particular thing in our life, it could be that we need a car, a house, spouse, good job, food or what have you, it is best to put your trust in God and believe that whatever it is you are looking for in life, the lord shall surely bring that to your door post. God is willing and able to do what it is we ask of him if we are obedient children and do his will at all times. He told Abraham to sacrifice his only son, a son of promise but Abraham obeyed even to the later call, he was strongly determined to do God's will irrespective of his earthly desires. The question to you reading this  is how much of God's will are you fully prepared to carry out to the later, how much of his word are you determined to obey. There are lots of tribulations and trials in the world today, a lot of distraction here and there, people bringing out new doctrines that are contrary to divine will and purpose of God, no wonder, they no longer trust God that he rewards those that diligently seek him at all times. God is able to provide that thing you are searching for, no wonder his word says, 'seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given, knock and the door shall be open. For anyone that seeks will surely find, anyone that asks, it shall be given and anyone that knocks, the door shall surely be open to him'. The million dollar question is how many of us are willing to seek, ask and knock at God's door, the resounding answer to this question is just few of us because so many believe and trust in their power and effort forgetting that it is God that gives us the strength and ability to make wealth and succeed in whatever we do here on earth.

Do not be like the rich fool who after harvesting all the crops in the field for he had a bountiful harvest sufficient enough for him to spend and enjoy the rest of his life without working, but failed to give God the praise he deserved because he thought to himself, 'all these things I possess is by my effort and hard work, my soul be merry, eat and drink and relax' but the Lord spoke to him that same night, 'you fool, this night your soul is required of you', and immediately the rich fool fell down and died. Now all those goods he has laboured for, who now owns them? I leave that for you to answer.

Thus says the Holy Bible, 'the Lord will surely provide all your needs according to his riches in glory through Christ Jesus', it is true because God is willing and able to provide all that you ask him for because he has more that sufficient to give you more than you can ever ask or imagine.

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