Monday 15 February 2016


Quote of the day is a biblical quote.


"Lord create in me a clean heart and renew your spirit within me." 


The world is filled with people of diverse background, of different mind and thoughts, some are of evil thoughts towards their neighbour while there are also some others with pure and genuine thoughts towards their fellow man. The ones with evil thoughts are those that inflict pains and hardships on people without having a second thought that what they are doing to others is wrong, their conscience is dead and rotten, no wonder they are happy when others are weeping with tears and sorrow and sad when others are rejoice, they are indeed very wicked, whereas there are others who would not rest till they see that their fellow man is happy and rejoicing, their thoughts towards their neighbour is good and not of evil, they are the ones the Bible referred to as pure in heart when it says, 'blessed are the poor in heart for they shall see God'. Every true child of God has a poor heart and the spirit of God dwell in such ones.

Your prayer every morning should be that God should create in you a clean heart, a heart that brings forth good tidings and blesses those around, a heart free from guilt, hatred, jealousy, covetousness, and all manner of evil thoughts towards others. God himself has a pure heart and he is in a better position to create in you a clean heart. 

The world is full of evil, the times are bad, corrupt leaders everywhere, inflicting great pains on the masses whom they proclaimed to cater and provide for the later, they steal and make loot of the resources of the entire nation, they travel out of the country to other places of greener pasture while their fellow citizens, those that they should lead and protect from hardship, wallow in great difficulties and untold hardships. A song writer once said, 'if man na God, I for don die', that is if it where that man is God, no one would have been alive today but thank God that man is not God almighty. The economy is falling by the way side, people begging on the streets with no food, no shelter, no clothing, pregnant women are given to death with babies in their womb due to hardship they find themselves while those parading themselves as leaders fly out of the country and visit places of comfort. We really need God to create in us a clean heart because that is the only way this country can move forward and the hardship brought to a nearest minimum.

Ho Lord create in me and our leaders a clean heart, a heart of service to humanity,  a heart devoid of corruption and all of it's vices so this country can move forward, so there would not be stagnation of growth. Graduates will no longer parade the streets as graduates with no jobs or meaningful source of income, so that both the men and the women will live together in peace and harmony with one love for each other. Let us join our hands together and create a better country for ourselves where 'Aboki nor go dey carry bomb dey terrorize', where both Christians and Muslims will live together in peace and harmony, a place where I can travel to see my brother is Jos, Kaduna, Borno and Kano with no fear of 'Boko Malam'.

 God should create a clean heart in the lives of our law makers, military, police and force men, not to collect bribe and pervert the way of justice, to stay firm and defend this country they uphold their vows to. All we strongly need at this point in time is for God to direct and lead us and our leaders aright, to put in us a clean heart of love and service to our fellow man and to humanity at large. May God bless this great country of ours.

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