Tuesday 11 August 2015


Are you new to the blogging world or you still have not decided yet what type of blog befits your kind of person such that you derive so much joy and satisfaction from being the proud owner and at the same time making cool money in form of adverts and other promotions you get from your blog??? Below are some of the types of blog you can venture into;

 Type 1-Instructional Blog; 
      This type of blog consist of instructional posts that tells the reader how to perform a particular task or actionable item. It can be a step by step ‘how to do’ article or a general information about performing a particular duty or task. For example, a post about ‘how to prepare a wonderful meal’ is an instructional post.
Instructional posts are very good for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because it is made up of ‘every day’ language that is used occasionally, for example, if someone searches on ‘How to prepare jellof rice’ online, it is most likely that your post about ‘How to prepare jellof rice’ will appear in the search results. These types of posts can become very valuable to the reader especially if you include colorful and visual diagrams to accompany your written information.

Type 2-News Blog;  
     The power of publishing latest news articles on your blog can not be over emphasized as this has proven to be one of the best ways to drive traffic to your blog. Everyone around the globe wants to be abreast at the latest happenings within and around the globe, news blogs that talk about celebrity gossips, sports and sporting events, latest happenings in the technological world, is a welcomed idea to most people.
Also some companies are able to break the news to their customers immediately an event happens or is about to happen but not every company has the luxury to do so and that’s where you can step in for them as a blogger to write and publish posts about their events and news on your blog.
Whether it is original or based on opinions, news posts are very effective and beneficial because they provide raw and current information to their readers, and thus build readers’ loyalty and trust.

Type 3-Summary Blog; 
    This type of blog consists of posts that summarize current news and events. They are like instructional post due to the fact that they provide direct information to the reader but are more stylized and may not guide the reader to completing a particular task. These types of posts are very popular because they are shareable in nature. For example, instead of writing in details all the factors that can affect a site’s earning, you can simply write out ‘Six factors that can affect a site’s earning’ in a stylized and shareable way.

Type 4-Entertainment Blog;  
    This blog shares posts that entertains the user or reader. The main goal here is to provide amusement to readers and the amount of posts you publish on this blog depends on the seriousness of your brand. If you are very playful person with an interactive brand voice, you can produce as many entertaining posts as you want.
Type 5-Personal Spotlight Blog;  
     This contains posts that talks about a person or group of persons that could be of interest to readers or blog users. We as humans are sometimes inquisitive to know about the person, we want to know what he does, its social lifestyle and countless other things. A blog owner of this type of blog capitalizes on this inherent human nature to publish posts about a particular person of interest to the public such as a celebrity. Due to the fact that this type of post engages readers emotionally, you can win the interest and loyalty of your blog readers.

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