Saturday 15 August 2015

6 surest ways to read the mind of your interviewer to know if he loves you.

Have you attended a job interview recently, you thought you put in all your best in the interview, taking your time to answer all the questions being asked by your prospective employer in such a way that you already feel you have gotten the job, you waited patiently for a reply from him after the climax of the interview and the reply you get is " We will contact you  later" haha! you are relieved and you go back home hoping that he would contact you. You decided to wait for a week, months pass by, years and forever without getting any phone call and email of appointment sent to you...that sounds very discouraging to the extent you told your friends and bragged to them how the interview was, how neatly dressed you were and how everything seem to go well but yet you still did not get a reply after the interview.

The truth is that you really wasted much of your precious time waiting for the employer to send you a reply or contact you after the interview when you should have known right there during the interview if he likes you or not, if he would really want you to be part of his company or not, then you can decide to say yes, I have been able to sell myself and market my skills efficiently to him or no, I missed out and its best I try other areas.

Some of the best ways of determining if you perform well in any interview includes the interviewer or hiring managers body language such as how he is free with you or withdrawn from you, the type of questions he asks you and his attitude or response whenever you make any significant point, if he is talkative or tries to sell the company to you by telling you how great the company is to work in.

Below are some of the signs and behaviors in no particular order you would notice in your prospective employer or interviewer that will convince you if he has bought into you to offer you the job or not.

Way 1-Pay close attention to positive body language

This is very crucial and requires more emphasis, you do not want to see your prospective employer taking his eyes off you while you are talking, leaning backward and folding their arms with no much concern about what you are saying. In other words a negative attitude towards you by your prospective employer shows you are good as not getting a job offer but if on the contrary, he smiles, laughs and even jokes with you and gives you that general upbeat, it shows you are welcomed and would must likely get the job.

Way 2-The discussion seems never ending:

This is really a positive sign from your prospective employer as it shows he likes your person and would like to have you around his company. If you spend extra time chatting with your prospective employer than the usual time allowed for the interview, you should consider yourself lucky and proceed in looking for other positive signs from him that would guarantee your being offered the job.

Way 3-He is in no way distracted:

If all through the time of the interview all he does is pay very close attention to what you say, with his eyes fixed on yours all through the time, its a sign he really likes you and feels you are an interesting and very organized fellow. Sometimes you may want to feel a little nervous due to his continuous gaze at you, do not but instead maintain yourself as i love to call it, maintain your 'tempo'.

Way 4-Speaking about salary and other compensation: 

If your prospective employer starts asking you certain questions about 'How much would you like to be paid for the job?', that indeed is really a very positive sign which you must look out for as it shows that he is very serious about offering you the job and that he is in a better position to determine how much you would be paid for the job.

Way 5- Asks questions about both your long term and short term objectives: 

If  he asks you about what you would like to accomplish in the short and long run if offered the job then it means your interviewer likes you and he is interested about your job satisfaction.

Ways 6-Giving you a firm handshake and a smile on your way out:

This attitude from your interviewer is very convincing that he likes you and have decided to offer you the job. With this you can be rest assured he will contact you as soon as possible, asking you how soon you can start with the job. Although not every prospective employer or interviewer would be so kind to give a  smile on your way out but at least a firm handshake shows that you have won his approval.

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