Sunday 16 August 2015


'Water no get enemy' is  a popular saying drawn out from one of the songs of famous Nigerian afrobeat singer, Fela Anikulaputi. It is a true saying with lots of meaning attached to it. Water is used for a lot of purposes which can be both physical and spiritual no doubt its the world's most famous liquid and very much abundant in nature.

What are the vital uses of water that makes it very unique than any other liquid you could think of, you may want to ask, what makes it one of the life force of all living things, both plants and animals alike. Its uniqueness cannot be overemphasized, below are some of the top unique qualities of water.

1. Water is a driving force: 

Water, a chemical compound that consist of 2 moles of hydrogen and 1 mole of oxygen with chemical symbol H2O is one of life's greatest driving force as it is present in virtually all living things be it plants or animals. Have you ever stayed without water for like up to three days or even a day and noticed how weak you can become without drinking water? This shows you really cannot do without water.

2. Water is life: 

Without water, it is very difficult for you to stay alive as water ensures proper functioning of the vital organs in your body. When you exercise what comes out of your body is water in form of sweat, when you are thirsty the liquid you always would want to take is water, even if you take ten bottles of 'coke or fanta' when you are tasty, it can never beat the mark of just a cup of water.

3. Water cleans:

The cleaning property  of water is a well known property that it is impossible to wash your clothes without water, wash your dishes and cars without water, clean whatsoever you want to clean without it. Its cleansing property is so unique that no other liquid on earth can equate its uniqueness.

4. Water cools:

Have you ever thought of what it would have been like on the surface of the earth if there were no rainfall but only sunshine, every where would be so hot that no one can bear the hotness of the sun. Also every car you come across or you could think of has a radiator where water is been turned into that helps to cool the engine of the car and prevent it from over heating, this goes to show the cooling effect of water.

5. Water Purifies:

Water is used to purify a particular thing that needs purification. The purification property of water is very unique as it not only purifies but cleans and leaves a surface spotless

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