Quote of the day is given by Bill Gates who is currently the world's richest man according to Forbes.
"If you are born poor, its not your mistake but if you die poor, its definitely your mistake".
Being born into a poor family is never an excuse to remain poor for the rest of your life. History can testify of men and women with very humble beginning who were born into very poor families but despite their humble beginning, they were able to make it through the hurdles of life.
If your parents are very poor, it is as a result of the wrong decisions they made when they where growing up, its is up to you to decide if to follow the footsteps of them or to become very successful in life.
There is opportunity for everyone in life to become the best in his or her chosen field or endeavor, no matter the circumstances and challenges preventing you from making your mark in life, you are still the only one to decide either to let them tear you apart or just use them as a stepping stone to your breakthroughs in life.
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