Sunday 4 December 2016


19 Garden of gold quotes are some of my favourite quotes that are inspiring, motivating and gives hope to the downcast in life. There is no point lamenting over spilled milk, for there is a fountain on the inside of you and that fountain is ever willing to give you whatever it is you ask for. Free your mind from all hatred, jealousy and greed even as you digest these wonderful quotes. 


"My garden full of gold, my priceless fountain, joy and hope"

My wealth, riches and everything I ever dreamed of"

"A stream of gold planted east of Eden, watered by divine provision"

"Its gold and treasure are ever pure and renewed by the dues of heaven"

"How priceless you are my ever glorious garden with surplus of divine providence"

"The whole earth gathers to behold your wonderfulness, and nothing is compared to you"

"Good counsel, long life and prosperity are in your wings, and whoever possesses you, possess the great qualities that men look for in great esteem"

"The sun, moon and the stars are in constant flux of your wonder and glory"

"Nothing befits a grown man than to realize he has such a great treasure, a fountain of supply and a world of immense wonders"

"Some times, one may be wrong or right but with the gift that knows no bound, he is left to flourish like a tree planted by the water of waters- the stream of life"

"I am blessed with my garden of gold, my priceless treasure, it gives me determination, focus like a great mountain surrounded by deep waters"

 "I look through my thick glasses to behold the wonders of heaven and earthly creatures and to see what hope it is for mankind"

"And behold, there is indeed hope for the manly race, for the creator houses his nest in the created- man is an image of his creator"

"Listening to the voice of strangers will surely get you no where, for all things proceed from the father"

"How I love my garden of gold, how wonderful is it's glorious estate, with tremendous power and impact"

"I will put on my dancing shoes and sing a song of songs for all things are spread under your wings and life has new meaning"  

"My brother, my sister, do not be discourage in life as there is still hope for the loneliest of heart and for the tormented soul"
"The hope you crave for lies in you, the almighty dwells inside of you"

"Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever"

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