Wednesday 30 November 2016


39 mind blowing quotes is a collection of some of my favourite quotes about determination, success, winning and being true to yourself. There are no second chance in life, so it is best to make good use of your time and any opportunity that comes across your way. Go through the quotes and feel free to share your comments.


"You were born to win and never to lose"

"Don't ever let failure cross your thoughts, you have a God factor on your inside"

"Determination is placing failure and setback under your feet"

"You want to win? Then you must think, act and succeed"

"Success is no friend to a loser"

"Your greatest weapon is to believe in yourself and what you can do"

"If everyone rents just one particular room, who will stay in room? do not copy others, be different and unique"

"Winners have scars, losers have funerals"

"The three greatest virtue of success are; determination, focus and persistence"

"Fortune favours the bold; to succeed in life, sometimes you must step on some toes"

"Money may come and go, but a good name is priceless than gold and silver"

"God wants you to succeed, the ball lies in your court"

"The most dangerous person you can ever think of in life is yourself"

"Visions are meant to strengthen your focus in trying times"

"When you give, you receive in bountiful folds"

"Money they say makes the world go round, what about virtues"

"My biggest mistake often end up as my best teacher"

"Do not be deceived by what others say about you, the key to who you are, lies within you and no one can take that key from you, except you let it go"

"Sometimes, to seem like a coward, is a mark of courage"

"When ever I think of who I am, I get inspired because I end up becoming what I think of"

"Success is shy, failure is bold"

"No matter what, I refuse to give up, and keep pressing really hard"

"Winners never quit and quitters never wear winning medals"

"45 is never the same as 54; there is a huge difference between success and failure"

"The mark of victory is wearing your crown of diamond, not half gold"

"Never run away from your fears, instead conquer them by doing the things you fear the most which are beneficial to your success"

"5 dollar at hand is worth 50 dollar in the bank"

"You can teach an old dog new tricks if only the old dog is willing to learn"

"A dream does not become a reality by magic"

"It takes hard work, determination and focus to succeed in life"

"Determination is doing what needs to be done despite a dozen load of failed attempts"

"Failure can never overtake a determined soul"

"Always keep your dreams alive and remember that to achieve any thing worthy requires faith"

"Believe and keep believing, you will get there"

"So many dreams lye wasted in the grave"

"Spend money to save time"

"Gold medals are made of sweat"

"Diamonds are forever within"

"I do not get discouraged in the first, second, third and fourth failed attempts because I surely will succeed if I try one more time"

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