Sunday 18 September 2016


Quote of the day is one of my Favorite Quotes.


"Beware of successful people, for chances are you will meet them here and become successful. "


Success is very contagious, it is like when oil touches one finger, it spreads to the others and soon there is beauty of the whole with just the effort of one. It is like the shining of light into a dark room with the room and all that is in it brightened by one particular source (light source). The sun, moon and the stars are successful in their dealings and shine forth so bright millions of miles away to give the earth her brightness and glory. God almighty is successful in all his dealings as well.

Success starts from within and shines forth without. It brightens the individual that nurses it and cause him to excel at whatever he does. The things you think, say, read, and do often is what actually shapes or prepares you for success no matter your background or station in life. Success is no respecter of anyone, no matter your situations, conditions, failures, heart breaks, pains, troubles, you can still be successful from now onward by believing in yourself, and constantly having the thoughts of being successful and like the finger that touches oil and transfers it to the others, you keep having more thoughts about success which will transform your life for good and brighten your day always.

In conclusion, success permits no excuse, think of the sun if it were to excuse itself for a day, the whole earth would experience darkness and this will be disaster for all including itself. Likewise you must put yourself in the sun's position by refusing to give room for excuses to succeed.

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