Friday 22 July 2016


Quote of the day is one of my Favourite Quotes.


"When you always say to yourself 'I can't', you remain in a can"


The world is full of people with negative mindset and believes, who always have negative thoughts about themselves, their surrounding and others. Mindset is very powerful, the kind of mindset you have will either shape your life positively or negatively. Many persons go through life not realizing that they are heading towards the negative direction of things. Subconsciously they do things and react in ways that are not beneficial to their life and the lives of others, they are confused about why others seem to do well and succeed much more than them but not until they realize and change their ways of thinking, they will never make any progress in life.

Sometimes you may come across difficult situations in life that makes you want to give up on your set goals, you say to yourself 'I can't do this any longer' or 'I find it very difficult to continue doing this, think I should just quit and try something else', these are negative thoughts going through your mind at that point in time and if you allow those thoughts to occupy your mind continually, you will end up not making any progress in life. The only limitation between your success is your believe. When you believe you can, you will perform much better positively than believing you can't.

As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. Whatever you put into your heart as thoughts, tend to shape your life. If you are going through some negative situations at the moment, for example you just got sacked from your job or things are really not going well for you, check your thoughts carefully and do away with the negative ones, instead dwell on the positive and the positive will surely come to you. No mountain is too high for you to climb, no river too wide for you to cross, no distance too long for you to reach, no goal so difficult that you cannot accomplish, its all in the state of the mind, your mindset.

The sky is no starting point for succeeding when you decide to put your thoughts into good use, you will discover that you begin to focus on the right of things instead of the wrong, you begin to see the good side of others instead of the bad side, the way and manner you do things before would change when you start thinking positively and others will notice this change in you thereby attracting good things into your life. 

Also in the country or territory where you live, try not to complain on why everything seems to be going this way or that way, even when others try to put in their negative vibes into you, you do not give in to their negative thoughts or believe, for example, people are complaining that 'this government or that government is bad' or that 'there is so much hardship in the country and nothing good seems to be happening', these are negative vibes and you should not believe for a second that things are bad or that the economy is turning upside down but instead believe that things are getting better and it will definitely get better. The more you believe it will get better, the more it will be.

In conclusion, when you always say I can't at any point in time in your life, remember that by saying that, you end up in a 'can', that is you are stock in a position that you can't make progress. Always say I can even when what you are about to do look or seem difficult because 'I can' attitude will surely WIN and SUCCEED at the end of the day while the 'I can't' attitude will end up LOSING at the end of things. My desire is that you keep on succeeding at whatever you do in life.

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