Friday 18 March 2016


Quote of the day is credited to Wallace Wattles (1860 - 1911), he was an America author and new thought writer who wrote the books 'The Science of Getting Rich' and 'The Science of Being Great'.  


"There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made and which in its original state permeates, penetrates, and fills the inter spaces of the universe".


The world that we live in is a world of thought, even God himself is a thinker. According to Wallace Wattles, all things are made from a thinking stuff (thoughts), everything you see around you was formed as a result of thoughts and words. As a man you can 'form things in your thoughts and impress it upon formless substance and cause things you think about to be created'.

A lot of persons are never aware of this principle of having whatsoever one desires, a man is a thinking channel that thinks and communicates his thoughts to infinite intelligence (God) in the form of prayers or having a strong desire for something. Your thought is as important as your life, a man that cannot think is already a dead man because what you think either shapes your life for the better or brings you to naught. Do not be deceived by saying it does not matter, after all its just a mere thought, it matters a lot and that's the reason the Bible says 'guide your heart with all diligence because out of it proceeds the issues of life'.

Thoughts are formed in your heart and communicated to God almighty who knows all things and it is what you communicate to God in the form of thoughts that becomes real for you to see. If you form the habit of thinking negative thoughts always, do not be surprised when negative things and situations begin to come your way, do not blame God for it by saying 'God but why this, why that', it's as a result of the negative thoughts you have which you communicated to God (infinite intelligence) that resulted to that situation you are facing.

One of the ways you can fill your heart with positive thoughts is to study God's word, the Bible daily and meditate on it always, by so doing it will be difficult for negative thoughts to creep into your mind. Another way is to learn to see things the way you want to see them and not as they appear to be. For example if you are sick, refuse to see yourself as sick, fill your heart with the thought of being healthy and strong, if you are poor, refuse to see yourself as poor instead see yourself as rich and living a life of prosperity, think it always in your heart and it will manifest in the physical.

In conclusion, thoughts are real and the almighty formed man to be a like him, a thinker, so you must learn to think positive thoughts always and shun away negative thoughts as much as you can in order to live life to the fullness and be a blessing to your generation.

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