Sunday 20 March 2016


Quote of the day is credited to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem by a Virgin called Mary. He was baptized by John the Baptist and was tempted by the Devil three times after he had fasted for forty days and forty nights.


"Now the parable is this: the seed is the word of God". Luke 8:11.


Greatness in any field of life is borne out of a seed and that seed is the word of God. The word of God is the seed which when sown into the heart of man bears fruits unto righteousness, holiness and greatness. The word of God is a catalyst that will move you from where you are to where you want to be in life. The reason most people do not move forward in life is because they have not formed the habit of constantly studying and meditating on God's word.

In the parable of the sower according to Luke 8:5-15, seeds fell on different ground, some fell on the way side and the fowl of the air devoured them, some fell on the rock and withered away because of lack of moisture, some fell among thorns and the thorns rise up and choke them and others fell on a good and fertile soil and bear fruits an hundred fold.

The word of God never changes but people perception of it can change, there are those that received the word of God but it had no root in them due to their unbelief and it died, whereas there are others who after receiving the words of God, meditate with it day and night thereby observing to do what the word says, such ones will end up becoming great in life, they are the ones that believe in the word of God and  bears fruits in hundred fold.

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