Monday 21 March 2016


Quote of the day is an Anonymous Quote.


"Anger will only lead to more danger".


 Anger is a deadly poison in the heart of the person given to it, it's bite is more deadly than venom from a cobra snake. Each time you feel angry about something or someone, you end up injecting some of this deadly substance into your system thereby altering the normal functioning of some of the vital organs in your body.

Excessive anger kills both physically and psychologically. By physically, I mean that anger can make someone to do what he or she on a normal circumstances would not think of doing, for example I witnessed an argument between two men not long ago and in the course of the argument, one brought out dagger from his pocket and wanted to stab the other to death. If not for the intervention of people around, I wonder what would have become of his opponent, this is one of the effect of anger, it makes one to be out of his or are sense of reasoning in harming others.

Psychologically, anger can result to permanent madness if one is not careful about it. A man given to anger always will tend to get mad with time, by madness, I mean he will become totally insane because it's senses can no longer function properly due to the psychological traumas he had as a result of constantly being angry.

There are other deadly effects of anger, they are ; 
  1. Anxiety: An angry man would tend to feel worry and nervous most times that even the slightest thing can make him feel so much unease with himself and this indeed is a bad situation for one to be in.
  2. Digestive Disorder: Each time one gets angry, his digestive system is affected such that there will be imbalance in digestion of food taken into the body system. Have you ever noticed that when you become so angry while eating, you tend to experience constipation, this might be as a result of your mood. Stop being angry and everything will be normal.
  3. Depression: Too much anger can lead to depression, that is to remain in a sad, aggressive and lifeless mood.
  4. High Blood Pressure: Excessive anger can make one to develop high blood pressure which can lead to sudden attack and death of victim.
  5. Stroke: One of the long time effect of anger is stroke, a situation where the whole or part of one's body becomes paralyzed might just be as a result of anger.
In conclusion, stay away from anger as much as you can because in the end you will be the one to suffer the after effect mostly than the person or thing you direct your anger towards.

What other effects of anger do you know?

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