Thursday 25 February 2016


Quote of the day is credited to Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity. He performed many miracles, signs and wonders on earth and it is believed he died, rose up from the dead on the third day and ascended into the heavenly realm where he seats with the 'Father' who is in heaven.


"For by your words, you will be justified and by your words also, you will be condemned." Mathew 12:37


The words you say with your mouth are so powerful, they either make or break you, life and death is found in the power of the tongue and in the words you say with it. It is always best to ponder carefully before you speak because the word sound that comes out of your mouth is echoed in the spirit realm and carried by some winged creature to a place where they are executed to become real. In other words, your words have life and force to bring into existence anything you pronounce out of your mouth.

The wise knows that a tongue not disciplined to keep calm when it ought to spells doom for the owner, and the result of uncontrolled speech is pain, tribulation, war, poverty, sickness, and even death. A man that has developed the habit of constantly putting his tongue to subjection and controlling it at all times is a man of peace, happiness, prosperity, good health and life.

In conclusion, your words controls thoughts, thoughts controls behaviour, behaviour controls habits, habits forms destiny, say positive words always and not negative words for by your words you will either be justified or condemned.

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