Friday 26 February 2016


Quote of the day is another of my favourite quotes.


"In life always look up to God, not man."


Always put the almighty God first in whatever you do, because he is your creator and the source of your living here on earth. Without God on your side, nothing that you do on earth will turn out successful for it is he that gives you the strength to make wealth and be successful in life. A life without God is dead and a man that puts his trust in man, money or other things he has without recognizing God as the ultimate above all other things, is bound to fail in life.

A fool may say that there is no God but indeed God exists beyond human understanding and beyond the findings of worldly scientists who come up with theories without proof that God does not exist and that all living things started from one tiny object known as atoms. The truth is that the more they put their trust in their findings the less they see and realize that the wisdom of God over shadows all other wisdom and no one can search out the wisdom of the almighty right from the day of creation.

Always put your trust in God, in anything you do, seek him first and you shall find him, trust in him with all of your heart, soul and mind and he shall direct your paths, he will make a way for you where there seem to be no way, he will provide water for you in the desert and food in years of famine, if only you can put your focus on him and trust him in all you do on earth. A life without God is meaningless, it is like struggling for the wind, for riches itself has wings and fly up to heaven. Nothing you do on earth is permanent but God is permanent for he changes not and his reign is from everlasting to everlasting.

In conclusion, as you constantly need water to survive, so you constantly need God in your spirit man to see you through both the good times and the difficult and hard times, we all need him to survive and that's the reason why we must look up to him always no matter the situation or location we find ourselves.

If you strongly believe in God, do not fail to share this message with others or contribute some other ways you feel one can look up to God.

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