Wednesday 17 February 2016


Quote of the day is credited to Napoleon Hill. He was an American author who wrote several wealth inspiring and motivating Best Selling Books such as 'Think and Grow Rich', 'The Magic Ladder of Success', 'The Laws of Success'. He was indeed a great man with notable qualities and personality.


"A goal is a dream that has a deadline."


I could recall when I was little, that my teacher would ask everyone of us in the class to stand up and say to the class what we would like to become when we grow up in life, and some of us would say, 'I want to become a doctor, an engineer, a banker, a professor, a pilot, an architect, a chemist, a nurse', and other notable and noble professions. Back then, we were so little but full of dreams of what we will become when we grow up but one thing was missing in the lives of some of us and that is a definite purpose and a deadline attached to our dreams. I could remember that one of us in the class made mention of becoming 'the president of the whole world', and everyone laughed at him because most of us never took our dreams too serious, it's just a dream many would say but of a truth dreams can become real and here is how.

Napoleon Hill, one of the world's best success motivational speaker and author once said that a dream without a deadline clearly written down is just mere wishing and has no significant effect on our subconscious mind which is the power house of whatever we find ourselves do or what motivates us form within to do a particular thing of which we have set our mind and focus to do. For a dream to be transformed into a goal, it must possess the attribute of a deadline in accomplishing that dream. By deadline, I mean a written time frame of accomplishment, it could be days, months or even years but the most important thing is that it is written down and clearly defined along side your dream or purpose in life. For example, if I dream of building a gigantic mansion five years from now, I simply write my goal like this, 'In the year 2021, I will build and own a gigantic mansion', and even go ahead to specify both the day and the month of the year, by so doing, I have been able to transform my dream in five years into a goal that I must accomplish at my chosen time frame.

One other thing to note and be aware of is that a dream or goal without a burning desire of accomplishment is fruitless, it is like turning 50 gallons of water into a basket and expecting it to hold the water, it will never work no matter how hard you fast and pray, so is same with setting a goal for yourself without a burning desire to accomplish that goal. A burning desire is that thing, that feeling that will constantly motivate you to pursue that goal at all cost, no matter the circumstances or present situation of things, it is your driving force of accomplishment. 

In conclusion, always make sure you write your dreams down and set a deadline for it with a burning desire to achieve whatsoever you have dreamt.

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