Thursday 24 December 2015


Quote of the day is credited to Michael Jeffrey Jordan, a former American Professional Basketball player and businessman who is the owner and chairman of Charlotte Hornets, an American Basketball team situated in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is indeed a remarkable basketball player and was able to achieve greater height than most of his predecessors.


"If you are trying to achieve something, there will be roadblocks. I have had them; everybody has had them, but obstacles do not have to stop you. If you run into a wall, do not turn around and give up. Instead figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it."


A lot of times when you try to do something especially a thing that brings great reward, you will be faced with lots of challenges and obstacles that will want to make you turn around and give up. It has happened to me and also to you, no one is left out. If you must excel and break boundaries you must learn never to give up when faced with difficulties in life. The true test of success in life is overcoming obstacles and breaking new grounds.

The world today is full of people with great and innovative ideas but being successful is not just about having great ideas, it is about implementing the ideas you have by taking action towards actualizing them. In the course of implementing your ideas, you are faced with difficulties along the way that makes you doubt the credibility and success of your ideas. Most great inventors in time past and present where faced with the same problems, the Wright Brothers that invented the first Airplane were thought to be mad people because no one believed in their ideas of making an object similar to a bird that can fly up in the sky, no one thought it can be possible for humans to fly up in the sky like birds and even excel all flying creatures but despite the discouragements and set backs they faced they still went ahead to invent the first airplane and today millions of people around the world are living on their ideas.

You never can tell when, how  and where your breakthrough will come, it may be in that stuff people are always telling you about that it cannot be done but it takes a man of vision, determination, resolute spirit to be able to forge ahead despite all odds in life. Never give up on your dreams, you have a huge role to play in making the world a better place, stick to it and you will surely get there.

Always remember that if you try to achieve something, the people around you will do all manner of things to see that you never come out successful. It is best to ignore their negative thoughts and be positive, if you happen to run into a wall or any obstacle, do not turn your back on that obstacle, press on it hard and it will surely give way. In whatever you do, never you give up.

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