Tuesday, 13 October 2015



Blogging has become one of the best ways you can make yourself useful to others and the world in general. A blog is a platform for sharing of information online that will educate, inspire and better the lives of people around you and the world.

Apart from the joy it will bring you in improving the lives of others, one can still make significant income from it and this is the reason why there are so many bloggers online today including the up coming ones. Well to get started in blogging involves having a plan, a master plan with which to succeed. There are some tips you would need to consider first before writing your first post, some of these tips are strongly emphasized below.

Tip 1: Get a good Blogging Platform: There are countless number of blogging platforms on the internet today but the two major ones are that of WordPress and Blogger. Why it is important you start with a good platform is because it offers you great tools for writing and editing your blog post.

Tip 2: Get a very good Topic: To begin writing a blog post, you must look for a very good topic you are very familiar with, something that you know can inspire and bring out the best in others, something that you know can offer help or solution to others and 'go down town' to write as much as you know about that topic, you can leverage on Google search as a tool for getting other vital information about the topic, make sure you go extra mile to research further about the topic and give it your best shut. 

Tip 3: Set a Time and Word Limit: You should try as much as possible to set artificial time and word limits for yourself, for example you could decide to write not less than 300 words in every of your posts or not less than 20 minutes in brainstorming and getting materials for your post, this would enable you write posts with rich content which in return would make your posts visible in Search engines.

Tip 4: Do it First for Love: A lot of person write blog posts all because they want to make money from blogging, if you are that type of person, it is very certain you would never go far in blogging, instead do it for the love of writing, love of being creative, love of improving yourself and become better in writing, the love of helping others realize their full potentials, the love of solving problems of millions of people, do it for love and the money would find you sooner or later.

Tip 5: Have a good Reading Habit: This tip can not be overlooked at, it is very vital in blogging just as blood and water is very vital to the human system. If you are the type that do not like reading or consider reading as very stressful or a waste of time, then blogging was never your calling. To be a very effective blogger, you must learn to be a vivid reader, you must develop the the habit of reading books that contains topics you would like to blog about. The difference between a sophisticated and a mediocre blogger is the level of knowledge each has and the level of understanding of each of their various topics. In order words, if you can't read, you either learn to or stay off blogging, period.   

Tip 6: Do Something Interesting and Share with Others: This is also very vital in blogging, always form the habit of doing something that you are very good at, for example it could be that you are very good at singing, then you should write more about singing and share it with others or if you are very good at repairing phones or phone software, you can share your knowledge with others that are not as experienced and good as you. There are countless number of things you can be good at, all it takes is sharing it to others in writing and you would be so glad you did. A friend of mine started a blog about 'facebook and twitter'  and today he has carved a niche for himself in that area.

Tip 7: Avoid Copying and Pasting: This cannot be over emphasized, a lot of bloggers out there are very good at copying from other people's blog and pasting on theirs. In the beginning, you may think that you are very smart but in the long run you would end up shooting yourself at the foot. Google search engines and other search engines are bent on ignoring your blog in their search when they discover that your blog have no original content in it, therefor you should ensure that you write contents that are genuine and formulated by only you instead of doing the copying and pasting.

Tip 8: Make Simple and Understandable English/Language: Do not form the habit of using 'big' and ambiguous language or words in your post, make use of simple and correct English language. This is very true because not everyone can understand 'big' grammar and at the end of the day instead of passing your message across to you blog readers or audience, you end up boring them with plenty of grammar.  

Tip 9: Use Pictures as Aiding View to Support your Points: Using of pictures most times have proving to be one of the best ways to pass your message across to your readers, picture they say contains a thousand words and as such should be included in your posts. A good picture have the ability to tell the story even before you write one sentence in your post. Also ensure you name your picture by giving it a title using the 'picture properties' option if you are using Google blogger.

Tip 10: Have a Social Media Presence: This have proven very useful as it helps to build up traffic to your blog. Social media platforms like facebook.com, twitter.com and a list of many others are very vital tools for any blogger. Also try to create a fan page on medias like facebook.com where your friends and the world at large can 'like' your blog posts and share them with others.

Tip 11: Learn to Appreciate Others: Do not be an Island of your own, go through the blogs of people you admire their writings a lot and appreciate them by commenting favorably on their blog or emailing them about how you admire their works. This should be done with moderation and it should be for some selected few, not for everyone so you do not sound too loud.

Tip 12: Do not be too Drawn to Blogging, Socialize: Make sure you go out and do others things, resist the urge to get stuck to blogging alone, go out there and have a life apart from just sitting down in one spot and blogging the whole day. This would help refresh your mind and keep you on track once again.

Tip 13: Be Enthusiastic and Have Fun: It is believed that when you are enthusiastic about a particular thing, you end up doing that thing quite often without stress even when it may seem very stressful to others, same goes with blogging, when you are very enthusiastic about the topics you write, you can go on and on writing so many wonderful things about that topic and whether you like it or not, enthusiasm is contagious and you would have succeeded in transferring it to your readers when you are done with the last word of your post. 

Tip 14: Make Consistency your Major Goal: Being consistent in a particular thing makes you successful in it. No matter how the path may seem non favorable for you presently, stick to your goal and never give up till you succeed. A lot of new bloggers give up blogging in their first three months of blogging just because they no longer see the need for blogging or because they were expecting a big buck from Google Adsense but could not get it so they felt there is no money in it. Well I must point out here that success in blogging takes time but the reward is magnificient, nothing good they say comes easy so you must learn to be persistent and consistent in your work and in due time you will reap the full benefits of it.

Tip 15: Set Realistic Targets and Stick to them: Do not set for yourself unrealistic goals that you know you would not be able to meet up with, set realistic and achievable goals for yourself. Slow and steady it is said usually beats fast and furious, for example instead of setting a goal of publishing 5 high quality posts with rich contents in a day which you know based on your capability or time schedule for other things you would not be able to meet up, instead you can decide to publish at least 3 rich content post in a week and stick to it. With time your posts would add up.

Tip 16: Make fun out of Blogging: It is best you blog with fun, do not be too serious when blogging, learn to give valuable and real world experience and make fun of it as well, inspire your readers with laughable and yet informative contents, this will go a long way to create loyalty between your blog readers and your blog.

Tip 17: Learn to Reply Blog Comments: Not every of your posts would carry comments from your blog readers but if a particular one does, it is best you reply the comments of your blog readers and offer more explanation to questions asked, if possible recommend for them other blogs and articles that you think would be very useful to them and in return they would love you for it.

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