Sunday 28 June 2015

How you can undo sent emails in just 30 seconds!

About two days ago, I needed to send an email to a particular friend of mine, the email was so urgent that I typed pretty fast like the speed of light. Yeah! am finally done, I said to myself and quickly reach out for the send button without taking my time to proof read what am about to send, went ahead and clicked the send button. Gbam!, it struck me like lightening when I discovered that I included something I was not suppose to include in the just sent mail. It was devastating but thank God I discovered this tips am about to share with you on time.

Below are the steps you could use to undo sent email in just 30 seconds;

Step 1: Quickly click the gear icon at the top right corner of your Gmail window and click on settings from the drop down menu as shown below;

Step 2: Select 'Labs' from the top row tab as shown below;

Step 2; how to undo sent emails

Step 3: Scroll down to 'undo send' option and click to enable. You can select time interval to undo send, the time options are 10, 20 and 30 seconds with 10 seconds as the default.

Step 3; how to undo sent emails

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