Sunday 26 April 2015

How to Prepare Ogbono Soup?

Ogbono soup is a nutritional Nigerian dish made with grinned ogbono seeds, water, oil, leaf vegetables, seasonings and meat. It is a popular dish and very easy to prepare.

Below are some the ingredients you can use to prepare this dish.
  • 1Kg of asdsorted meats.
  • 450g of grinned ogbono seed.
  • 225g/80oz grinned crayfish.
  • 25g grinned pepper.
  • 25g of iru.
  • 1 medium sized onion.
  • 290ml palm oil.
  • 3pt stock or water.
  • Salt to taste.
Now lets look at a method and steps you could use to prepare your delicious ogbono soup.

Step 1: Wash the assorted meat thoroughly and put in a pot.

Step 2: Add your sliced onions, grinned chilles, some stock or water and cook for about 30 minutes.

Step 3: Add your washed smoked fish and stock fish and cook for another 10 to 15 minutes, adding  a drop of water or stock as needed to stop it from burning.

Step 4: With a clean pot, heat the oil and fry the grinned seeds for about 3 minutes to bring out the nutty flavour.

Step 5: Gradually add the stock and whisk until it draws and bubbles.

Step 6: Add your properly cooked meat, pepper and cray fish.

Step 7: Dissolve locust bean in a little stock and add to the soup.

Step 8: Allow to simmer for another 10 minutes and add salt.

Step 9: Serve hot with pounded yam.

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