Saturday 25 April 2015

How to Prepare Banga Soup?

Image result for banga soup 

Banga soup is a delicious soup gotten from the sauce of squeezed palm fruit botanically known as Elaeis guineensis. It is incredibly rich in nutritional value.

Lets take a look at some of the ingredients used in preparing this soup.

Ingredients for Preparing Banga Soup:
  • 500g/ 1Ib assorted parts of meat.
  • 225g/8oz stock fish that has been soaked.
  • 225g/8oz bush meat properly washed.
  • 1kg/2Ib  oil palm nuts.
  • 225g/8oz grounded crayfish.
  • 1pt stock of water.
  • 225g/8oz grinned melon.
  • 100g/4oz grinned pepper.
  • 1 onion properly sliced.
  • Salt to taste.
Below are the Methods and steps you could use to prepare banga soup.

Step1: lace the washed meat in a large pot, add a drop of water or stock season with salt and grinned pepper.

Step 2: Boil for about 30 minutes or until its tender.

Step 3: Add the smoked fish and stock fish and cook for another 10 minutes.

Step 4: Prepare the oil palm nut to extract the oil by boiling the washed nuts for about 20 minutes until it is soft.

Step 5: Remove from water and pound the nuts using a mortar to extract the oil.

Step 6: Pass through a sieve to seperate the palm kernels from the chaff.

Step 7: Pour the strained pulp into the meat together with the sliced pepper, onions, tomatoes, puree and grinned melon.

Step 8: Sprinkle the crayfish and cook for 15 minutes until the water in the soup is fairly reduced and the soup thickened.

Step 9: Add your salt to taste and ensure you do not add too much salt to it.

Step 10: Serve with starch (usin by the Urhobos in southern part of Nigeria) or  pounded yam (Iyan).

Note: Freshly washed bitter leaf could also be added to make the dish palatable.

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