Tuesday 21 April 2015

How to Create a Blog with Google Blogger?

Blogging is one of the best ways you can make cool cash online. Although it involves being creative and paying close attention to what is happening around you, it can be done by almost any one with the  mind set of adding value and knowledge to others through knowledgeable posts. In times past, creating a blog was so difficult that if you are not a skilled programer, it would be almost impossible to create a blog but thanks to latest technology that allows you create a blog even if you do not have the skill of programing.

One of the best ways to build a blog without ever writing a single code is by the use of Google Blogger. The google blogger comes with series of unique features that enables you build your blog effectively. This is so great.

Now to get started with google blogger, you must first create a one time account with google, for instructions on how to do that, see here.

Below are some of the steps you could use to set up your blogger account and start blogging.

Step 1: Log on to google blogger here.

Step 2:  Allow the page to open and type in your email address and password. When you are done, click 'Sign in' as sho wn above.

Step 3: A page appears as shown below, chose either to create a Google+ profile or create a limited blogger profile.

Step 4: When you are done with choosing any of the above blogger profile, a new page will appear requesting you should type the name of your blog, do so and click to continue.

Step 5: Click on 'New blog' on the next page that appears as shown below.

Step 6: Type in the title of your blog, the title would be identified as your blog's name, and the blog's address which should end in 'blogspot.com'.  The system would run a check to determine if the address you typed already exist, also there are variety of templates you could chose from to make your site look attractive, when you are done with choosing your template, go ahead and click on 'Create Blog' to get your blog created.

Step 7:  Your blogger dash board would appear, click on 'start posting' and you are done with creating a blog.

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