Monday 16 January 2017


History has spun itself throughout the ages and it is evident to note that there can be no present without a past in as much as there can be no future without the present.

History makes us able to tell about our origin, culture, and tradition in order to ascertain our destination which is where we are heading to in life. A man of history is a man that knows the garden of his onions so well.


"History is like a road map leading from the past to the future"

"The world of history is like a world of thick mass"

"The past repeats itself when we fail to yield its lessons"

"Old things passed away and all things have become new"

"When thinking about the past too often, I get discouraged in the present"

"You can never forget history in a hurry"

"It shapes the present while the present shapes the future"

"Also, History unfolds itself as life thrives on"

"A man of history is someone of advantage both in the present and the future"

"I like dreaming about the future better than the history of the past"

"Those who fail to remember the past, become condemned to repeat it"

"A tree without root and a house without foundation is like a people without the knowledge of their history, tradition or culture"

"History always repeats itself in diverse ways"

"Lies will pass into history"

"The test of our progress is to provide enough to those who have little and not to add to the abundance of those who already have much"

"Global warming is the greatest scam in history. Some scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming"

"We are not makers of history, instead history makes us"

"First, history repeats itself as a tragedy, second as a farce"

"Fluid prejudice is the very ink with which you write history"

"Small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history"

"There is still so much history to make,  and many causes worth sacrificing for"


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