Tuesday 20 December 2016



It is said that dreams help to shape ones life but have you ever dreamed of something you felt was realistic? The weird part of it all is that you wake up and discovered it was only a dream after seeing those beautiful dream scenes which makes say to yourself 'I wish I could just continue with this dream of mine. It is good to dream but sometimes it is best to be realistic. Below are 29 amazing dream quotes that contain some elements of 'truth'.


"Stars open, tears drop"

"Feel the wave of the harmattan"

"The new sun"

"How life is shaped from within"

"The storm is over"

"Sunset never ending, feel the deep song of the ocean"

"A flower planted eastward and blossomed"

"Feel the rosy petals, see its beautiful colors, perceive its wonderful aroma"

"That's how beautiful nature can be"

"Woke up one side of my bed this morning"

"Tears dripping down my eyes like plasters of gold"

"What may have happened during this sleep of mine?"

"Could it be it was only but just a dream?"

"Everything seem brand new at the other side of life"

"Where all pain is gone, all hope is lost but yet I feel sunshine evermore"

"My hands are filled with blood says the murderer"

"Who thought I would survive this hardship called life?"

"Everyone seem disgusting in my eyes"

"The cold harmattan is over my feet blowing like the east west wind"

"Nevertheless, murderer, can't you see from the tiny window in your room?"

"Nature does not fit in with your soul displeasure"

'If only you could take a cup and fetch from the river of rivers"

"You will be glad you did, your hope will be restored"

"What you seek is yours"

"The stranger standing by the door"

"Life is so strange when all you see is fault"

"Think and be restored, save yourself from the drama and be renewed"

"My heart is filled with joy, my sleep is sweet to enjoy"

"It is best to do good and shun evil for judgement is at his call"

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