Wednesday 28 December 2016


Words are powerful, they are filled with insights and meaning. 20 words are powerful quotes is a collection of some of the most outstanding quotes about how powerful words can be, written in poetic form. It also  talks about how frustrating life could be sometimes but with the use of positive words, one can turn every setback or trying moment into joy, happiness and fulfillment.


"The waiters hears it"

"The word speaks and I listen"

"how would this tiny droplets make an ocean?"

"How would the daring blue sky turn into red?"

"I was frightened by my tiny little hut"

"The waves of the ocean carries me onward"

"My feet so heavy but at least I can walk and witness the sunshine evermore"

"When friends desert you and your loved one is gone"

"The seeming blue sky turns into pale blue"

"You are ready to give up but needs one more try, the time is ticking"

"I want to fall asleep, and wake up by 12pm"

"Oh, its over 12pm and am still awake"

"Don't be shy, come forth and rest, to witness this thing called life"

"Life is sweet but full of mysteries"

"The lantern is on, the light shines forth, penetrating the dark and uplifting the darkness"

"The stars shines forth and brings forth good tidings"

"Life is best lived with others"

"Your loved ones are dear to you, thank goodness, your joy is restored"

"Words are powerful, feel the outpouring, listen and be fed"

 "Diamonds forevermore"

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