Thursday 17 November 2016


One of the beauty in life is to believe in yourself and to know that all things are possible to him that believe. No matter the situation, the trials and set backs, you can still come out of every mess that you find yourself today. Several persons who have made it to the top today passed through various challenges but never gave up but stick to their dreams and finally their dreams have become a reality for everyone out there to see.

Francis Agoda, also known as 'I Go Dye', a very popular comedian started on the road to success in the year 1991, from a humble beginning with little or nothing and made it to the top. In one of his quotes, he said that he had no spoon, not to talk of a silver spoon while growing up, so he had to fend for himself to survive. If he can do it, I say boldly that you too can make it to the top. Sit back and relax while you digest these 35 inspirational quotes of his that will thrill you like 'the thriller'.


"Comedy has been my first love"

"Growing up was not rosy at all"

"Some say they have silver spoon but for me, there was no spoon at all, just fending for myself"

 "All my early days were spent in the village with my grandma" 

"There was so much difficulty for my age mates to comprehend my ideas and values of life"

"To me, it was a delight having the privilege to be needed around people older than me"

"I was seen most times saying things that were not achievable because they felt I knew more than my age"

"I had difficulty in conforming to their standard and it took me sometime to study their upbringing"

"Challenges of life were so much that it took my strong personal conviction to stand firmly on my believe and dreams"

"All of them complement each other but a rare talent is more elevating, considering that flexibility makes it easier to express the skills when there is talent"

"In everyone's life, there are quiet moments of reflection but that does not mean discouragement"

"I have always nurtured a positive conviction in regards to any decision I take" 

"I still chose the comedy path"

"At the early stage of my career, I had series of disappointing moments when I was not seen as good enough to be on certain events"

"I was denied performance slots at the night of a thousand laughs four times"

"My major moment started after I earned the privilege to perform eventually at the night of a thousand laughs and the outcome of the year 2000 edition"

"I naturally have a quiet and calm disposition and luckily I do not see any reason to assume negative things"

"There is always the inner feeling that you are paid to come and perform a professional responsibility"

"I am almost saddled with the privilege to be the last comedian to be called on stage most times, so it has a challenging effect to maintain the tempo set by the other artistes"

"The most deciding factor is knowing and accepting that there is only one man on a stage at a time"

"What happens before I go on stage is also what happens when I leave stage"

"The stage will always accommodate the stars like the cloud"

"I am lucky to be the man in the spotlight"

"Behind every extraordinary activity that is done, you can be rest assured that their collective input is there (about family)"

"My Nigerian fans are so special"

"No matter how high we go,  home is the best, we shall bring the most electrifying moments back home"

"Everyone of my fans that had stopped me at any point in my life, to express their love and appreciation for my work, has been so wonderful and they all remain so special in my thoughts"

"My fans are my true heroes"

"It will be more gratifying to me when I see our leaders create more opportunities for the youths and making efforts to gainfully employ them"

"Until this personal desire for a better Africa is achieved, my heart knows no profound happiness because someone is still sleeping without a meal"

"I thank God for giving me this talent that is inspiring others"

"Wole Soyinka is celebrated worldwide today because he writes, Michael Jackson is celebrated worldwide today because he could sing and dance, Hussein Bolt is celebrated because he can run faster, Eddie Murphy is a superstar today because he can act very well and so is Genevieve Nnaji. All these people have achieved the best in what they know how to do best, so now they can rule the world like Obama"

"The advice is that they should believe in themselves and know that no one can believe in you than you believe in yourself"

"They should not think of being Tuface or I go dye, rather they should be thinking of being what God has chosen for them and fulfilling their purpose in this world"

 "Life is not quantified by ones success alone. The situation in your immediate environment also shows how you are faring"

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