Monday 14 November 2016


Mental strength comes from within and it is the ability to cope even in trying and difficult situations. It can be developed by practice and by having and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in your home or working place. I have compiled 11 mentally strong quotes that will get you started in being mentally strong in every area of your life.


"Everyday you wake up gives you a new day and opportunity to start all over again and claim the life you dream of"

"You must learn to be thankful for the little things in life, for with that, more better things are coming your way"

"Do not be worried over time, your mind will calm down with continued practice of letting go of things that are not needful in your life"

"It is said that meditation helps to improve focus, mental clarity, reduce or eliminate stress. So make it an habit to meditate at least once daily"

"Working out is important and vital to be mentally strong everyday"

"When exercising, try and exercise with fun and include someone as your work out partner in case you do not want to exercise alone as this will make it more enjoyable"

"If your environment lacks structure or organization, this can affect your mental strength"

"Practice the habit of giving not only material things like money but also intangible things like knowledge and support to who needs them as this will make you feel great and gives you a wonderful feeling"    

"Let go off the stress, burden and worries, learn to smile often. A smile helps to brighten your mood, removes sadness or worries from your mind and gives you a sense of hope even in trying or difficult times"

"Get over it, you do not own all the problems in the world, so let go and be at peace with yourself and your surrounding for there is nothing without a solution and the solution will come when you take your mind off the problem and focus on something else"

 "Learn to always say the word, 'I am strong mentally and physically in all my endeavors' and surely what you say is what you end up having"

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