Friday 11 November 2016


105 Think Big and Kick Ass Quotes are credited to Donald Trump, the newly elected 45th president of the United States of America. He is a very strong and determined personality and a 'tough boss'. He also has a trademark phrase which I would like to call the 'boss phrase' and that is 'You are Fired'.


"Be as though as nail and be willing to kick as in order to win"

"Getting rich is tough and it will involve hurting people along the way"

"If you want to win consistently, take stock before hand and check with your gut that you are willing to kick ass when required"

"To be successful, you have to separate yourself from 98% of the rest of the world. You can get into the other 2% of the world, and it is not just by being smart, working hard and investing wisely"

"There is a formula, a recipe for success that the top 2% live by and that you too can follow to be successful"

"Hard work is my personal method for financial success. I know a lot of people who do not have a lot of talent but they are rich. You can do it too"

"To be a winner in life, find a passion, get out of your comfort zone and be a doer. Learn how to handle pressure, to bounce back from failure and to never give up"

"You can never rest no matter how good things are going. Your current good times are only a result of the hard work and dedication you have put forth."

"What you do today, will produce results tomorrow"

"If you want to keep the good times rolling, you have to keep on planting those seeds everyday. If you stop focusing even for one minute, you will start slipping backwards"

"Develop solid gut instincts and act on them everyday"

"When you make decisions, you have to use all of your abilities, your brain, guts and analytical power"

"My advice is to go with your guts but do not bet the ranch on it"

"There is always a reason why everyone else is going the other way"

"When you find something good that everyone else is ignoring, when you go against the tide, that is beautiful- I love it, but be very careful, because sometimes it can be trouble; it can be a really big trouble"

"Nothing is more important to me than the idea of putting caution to the wind and doing something that has never been done before"

"Work so hard, you end up creating your own luck"

"There is no doubt that some people are luckier than others but the truth is that everyone can create their own luck and good fortune through hard work and intelligence"

"A truly positive attitude is when you are good at what you do and you are prepared for every possibility, both positive and negative"

"You cannot expect to be successful 100% of the time, no matter whether you are in business, finance, real estate, management, medicine or science"

"If you are not prepared for a negative result, a few minor setbacks, the loss of a promotion, or a deal falling through, such an experience will cause you an unnecessary amount of confusion and doubt"

"Both a positive mental attitude and a good work ethics are important in creating your own luck, but you cannot rely solely on them"

"Be intensely paranoid and never stop watching your back"

"Whether we like it or not, the world is a brutal place. People are trying to get you. Be openly paranoid. Do not stand idly while people are ripping you off. Do something about it"

"Use your gut to hire the best people you can find, but do not trust them"

"Create a work environment where you reward good people for doing good work and for being loyal to you and your company"

"Be demanding of people and they will rise to the occasion. Do not be too hard when they make mistakes- everyone makes mistakes"

"Always be willing to give someone who wants to do better a second chance"

"When wronged, fight back with a vengeance. Always get even"

"Do not wear rose colored glasses. When someone bullies you, hit them back hard"

"Go after these people and make them pay dearly. It is not only a great feeling but this attitude earns respect"

"You know, when you hit a bully back, they always fold. I learned it in high school. You have got to hit a bully real hard, real strong, right between the eyes"

"That is why I tell people, 'Get even!'"

"This is not your typical advice, get even but this is real life advice. If you do not get even, you are just a schmuck!, I really mean it too"

"If someone attacks you, do not hesitate, go for the jugular. Attack them back in spades"

"I love getting even when I get screwed by someone"

"It is true that people will like to take me for a ride, and sometimes they succeed, rarely but when they do, I go after them"

"People do not want to play around with me as much as they do with others"

"When you are in business, you need to get even with the people who screw you. You need to screw them back fifteen times harder and you do this not only to get the person who messed with you but also to show the others who are watching what will happen to them if they mess with you"

"If you want to be a success, you have to get use to frequently hearing the word no and ignoring it"

"You will not be successful if you listen to nos"

"Find a way to turn the 'no' into a 'yes' or find a creative way to sidestep the 'no'. Do not let anybody stop you"

"Try to maintain your momentum in business, do not lose it"

"Do everything you can to maintain your momentum on the projects you are working on. Never take momentum for granted"

"When I approach a project, I know there will be problems so I expect them"

"Be the one to solve tough problems and you will be the one people pay big money for"

"It is rare to find people who can tackle big challenge"

"I just keep going- I do not give up. My focus is intense enough to make the effort worth it and my momentum makes sure that my efforts will not be futile"

"I have learned a lot from demanding situations"

"Focus and never ever rest on your laurels or believe or own PR"

"To stay successful, it is essential that you keep doing all those things that got you there in the first place. do not ever get distracted by all the trappings of success but keep doing the basics"

  "Handle the bad stuff you have to deal with but do not let it demoralize you or distract you from pursuing your goals"

"Realize that it is only a moment and it will pass. Keep your sights set on a better time in the future which will certainly come if you stay focused"

"I got super focused"

"Things cannot and will not continue downwards forever- they always turn around"

"I am still working and I love it"

"Rich people are rich because they solve difficult problems; you must learn to thrive on problems"

"I face problems everyday, it is one of the things I do best"

"Wealth comes from big goals and sustained action everyday"

 "You must be very good at finding creative solutions to what appear to be impossible situations"

"Anticipate problems and always sign a prenuptial agreement"

"Marriage is one of the most emotional decisions you will ever make in your life"

"Be realistic, there is a 58% chance that your marriage will fail. Always insist on signing a prenuptial agreement"

"In your business, you always determine ahead of time what will happen in case the business relationship comes to an end- it is the responsible thing to do"

"A prenup can spare you most of the messiest, most unpleasant aspects of divorce"

"These days, prenup is just as important to women as it is to men"

"Settle while you are friends, not enemies"

"Many people start with big goals and yet after they run into a few problems or get distracted by other things, that compete for their attention, they lose focus"

'No matter what, think big. What you dream about is what you do"

"No matter what you do, think big. This is the driving force behind all human achievements"

"Very few people take big goals and make them happen"

"How big you think, determines how big you ultimately end up becoming, so think big"

"Do you believe that thinking big is reserved for people with money, college degrees, family connections or even intelligence? That is not true as anyone can think big"

"The most important thing is the size of your thinking"

"How big you think will determine how big a success you become"

"The simple act of thinking big immediately distinguishes you from the vast majority of people"

"Learn the art of forgetting. Move on and do not give a thought to the bad things that have happened to you"

"Do not wait for everything to be perfect before you start taking action again"

"Think big but take care of the basics"

"Do you have what it takes to think big and kick ass?"

"Virtually all self made millionaires and billionaires like Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and Walt Disney had the ability to think big and kick ass"

"The only way to get rich is to be realistic and brutally honest"

"It is not as easy as they make it look, it is tough and people get hurt, so you have to be as tough as nail and willing to kick ass if you want to win"

"Nobody is going to hold your hand and help you along. You are on your own, so you have to bend but never break'

"Think big but keep your feet on the ground and your finger of the till"

"You have got to know what you can do" 

 "Be a realist"

Persistence plus learning from mistakes, equals success"

"Sometimes by losing a battle, you find a new way to win the war"

"My whole life is about winning, I do not lose often. I almost never lose"

"Without passion, you do not have energy and without energy, you have nothing"

"You have to think anyway, so why not think big"

"It is always good to be underestimated"

"I have an attention span and that is as long as it has to be"

"I do not like losers"

"I judge people based on their capability, honesty and merit"

"Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make"

Every time you work down the street, people are screaming, 'You are fired!'"

"Everything in life is luck"

"I was not satisfied just to earn a good living. I was looking to make a statement"        

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