Saturday 15 October 2016


Love Quote of the day is credited to John Donne (January 22, 1572 - March 31, 1631)


"Love built on beauty, soon as beauty dies"


What is love and what is beauty? These two words usually go hand in hand by some people but the truth is that love is more than beauty, it is having deep affection and likeness for something or someone due to certain qualities they possess that are very appealing to the lover. Some of these qualities may include; being kind, trustworthy,  truthful and other good qualities as well as beauty.

 Beauty leads to having affection on the person admired but the difference between love and beauty is that true love stands the test of time whereas beauty does not. Love sees from within, that is from the heart while beauty sees from without. In a relationship, love lasts more than beauty as beauty tends to fade away when old age sets in but love does not.

Never use beauty as the only criteria for loving someone because most of the time when the wrinkle on the face starts showing up, you tend to dislike the person you claim you truly loved. There are several ways you can build a relationship that will last and never die when beauty dies. Theses qualities are priceless and they are my opinion of what love should be like.

1. Knowing the Truth: Love should be built on truth, that is based on the written word of God. This type of love never fails no matter the trial or circumstance in any relationship. Having the true word of God as the foundation of your relationship has tremendous effect in any relationship. The Bible contains the written word of God and can serve as a guide in building relationships.

2. Forgiveness: Do not be a tight nut too difficult to crack when things go wrong. Learn to forgive and let go for peace to rain in your relationship. Unforgiving heart not only takes away your happiness but leaves you completely in the past with no progress in your relationship and  in life. This will lead to a break in relationship faster than you can ever imagine. So it is best to learn how to forgive and let go.

3. Apologize: Nothing is more annoying than doing something wrong to your spouse and failing to apologize. Put yourself in the same shoes as your spouse, how would you feel if he or she does something wrong to you and fails to apologize and I believe you will have no excuse for not apologizing.  

4. Giving: For you to love, you must give and no better gift you can give to someone than yourself. You are the best gift you can ever give to someone, not necessarily the material things like money; although material things counts but the best you can give is yourself and your time to the ones you love.

In conclusion, love makes the world go round and brings blessings upon those that truly love not just because of beauty but because it truly comes from the heart.

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