Friday 15 July 2016


The internet has become a small global 'village market' where any information, goods and services can be easily accessible, with just a click of the mouse, the world is on your finger tips. There are also several ways one can make money online, all that is needed is a laptop or phone with internet connection and you are good to go. One of the ways you can make money online is by BLOGGING. There are other ways to make money online though such as freelancing, website designing, bulk SMS marketing, Information marketing, so on and so forth. Blogging is one of the easiest way to make money online but it involves patience, commitment and hard work at the initial stage of development of a blog.

There are several blog platforms you can chose from that allows you create your own blog. These platforms gives you a free domain name such as,, and free hosting such that all you need is your laptop and internet data plan to get you started but as the saying goes and as some of my friends would like to say 'awoof dey purge belle', in other words, nothing is completely free on planet earth, there are certain reasons why you should not rely 100% on the free domain name such as in case you are using Google Blogging platform (Blogger).


Below are ten (10) reasons you must change your blogger domain name to your own private domain name.

1. It makes your blog unique: Yes it does, there are millions of blogs on the internet today and the number of blogs around the globe is continually increasing day by day. Most of these blogs are still using instead of their customized domain name. With your blog having a customized domain name such as '', you stand out from the crowd and this alone has tremendous positive effects in your blog.

2. It builds your online presence: Yes of course, with your blog's customized domain name, people find it easier to locate you, your brand, product/niche on the internet. People surfing the web are more attracted to blogs with customized domain name than those with free domain name.

3. It prevents deletion of your blog: The truth is that since there are millions of blogs on the Blogger platform for example that are making use of the free domain services, your blog stands a risk of being deleted. This is because your blog is treated with no 'dignity' to say and can easily be squeezed like a piece of paper and thrown off as garbage. This is the reason why you should invest in your blog, not just content wise but money wise by purchasing a customized domain name of your choice.

4. It prevents domain name 'stockers' from purchasing your desired domain name and selling it to you at exorbitant price when your blog becomes successful: To avoid the problem of spending lots of money in purchasing your domain name from a third party when your blog becomes successful, it is best to secure that domain name of yours in the course of starting the blog. For example, Linda Ikeji, founder of experienced such problem when she wanted to change from to her blog customized domain name. She discovered that the domain name she intend using has been purchased by someone else who was insisting that she pay him some ridiculous amount of money for her to purchase the domain name she desired for her blog. A word they say is enough for the wise.

 5. With a customized domain name, you can easily sell your blog to someone or a firm: No one would want to buy a blog with no monetary value because, it is assumed your blog is not making money enough to get you a customized domain name or even a hosting plan. This is the reason why you should get a customized domain name for your blog, so that if you intend selling your blog in the future, you get better price bargain for your blog. Content in as much as monetary value added is key to blog success.

 6. It tells others how much of a 'serious' Blogger you are: One of the ways to tell if someone is serious in blogging is by the domain name. If it's a free domain name, chances are the blog owner is just there to enjoy the ride of blogging and not into it for serious business. Do not get me wrong by making use of the word 'serious', you can still be a serious Blogger by constantly adding content to your blog daily but when it comes to separating the goat from the sheep, having a customized domain name for your blog puts you in business.

 7. It gives you the zeal and determination to do more: Most times when using a free domain name like, you feel reluctant to update your blog regularly because you are not spending money on it and so therefore it means little to you. If it is a blog with a customized domain name, your interest in managing your blog increases because you know by the end of each year, you are going to renew your blog's domain name and hosting plan (in case you use one). What better way to motivate one to monetize and make efficient use of a blog.

8. It increases your confidence and inspires you to never give up: Of course when something is free and you don't invest in it, you can easily give up on it for other things but when it is something that you spend your hard earned money on, you find it so difficult to give up on it, instead you will find a way to succeed in it. In a way also, it increases your confidence at what you do because you can proudly show others your blog and tell them that 'this is what my blog is all about'.

9. It makes your blog to rank higher in Search Engine: Like humans also, some Search Engines place more preference on blogs with customized domain name and tend to rank those blogs higher than others. So to ensure that your blog is ranked higher than others in the same niche as you but without customized domain names, you should endeavor to have a private domain name of your choice that reflects what your online business is all about.

10. It creates opportunities for you: Putting some other factors into consideration, having a customized domain name for your blog, creates opportunities for you online. Most people and businesses online prefer to do business with you when your blog or business website has a private domain name, because it looks professional to do business than when you are using a free domain name. No one love to do business with a business or firm with no monetary value so also no one would love to do business with you if you are still using a free domain name.

To summarize it all, your blog speaks loud about you, so it is best to add value to your blog both content and money wise. In case you already have a blog running on a free domain and need to change it to a private domain ( of your choice, you can beep me with my number +2347067427936. I will prefer you send me a text indicating your interest and I will reply immediately. You are free to    
comment and ask questions.

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