Thursday 21 July 2016


Quote of the day is Success Quote.


"Success begins with a will. Dwell on knowledge and let your countenance be filled with understanding"


There are lots of definitions about 'will' but based on context, the word 'will' may be defined as having the mental desire and purpose for doing a particular thing or achieving something worthwhile. Success begins with a will, in other words, you must have the mental desire and the purpose to succeed at whatever you want to succeed in.

To be successful, you must first have the desire to acquire knowledge, skill and understanding of whatever it is you wish to embark upon. Knowledge they say is 'power', so therefore, having the required knowledge in any area of specialization, puts you ahead of others who do not make any effort to acquire same knowledge. Knowledge can be acquired by continual learning and study of a particular subject or thing and the more you study, the more your knowledge tends to increase, that is you become very knowledgeable in that area.

In as much as success is not complete without knowledge, so also knowledge is never complete without understanding. I may decide to read a particular book, glance through something, but may not understanding fully what the book or the thing I glanced through is all about even though I know what it is. Understanding is having more insight or revelation about a particular thing that may likely not be noticed except an in depth study is carried out. By in depth study, it means that you ask yourself certain questions like; how, what and why, and try to provide answers to them, by so doing, you become more knowledgeable at it and your understanding will tend to broaden.

In conclusion, success is an adventure, not a destination, so make it a priority to acquire knowledge and also have a broader understanding at whatever you do, and there would be no mountain so high that you can't climb and no river so wide that you can't cross if you make it an habit to seek knowledge first at what you do and have a broad understanding on it.

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