Saturday 7 May 2016


 Quote of the day.jpg

Quote of the day is credited to Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God who is the founder of Christianity. He died and rose on the third day and by him all nations of the world is blessed. 


"And Jesus said unto him, no man, having put his hand to the plough and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." Luke 9:62.


Those who look backward in life, always remain backward while those that look forward always stay focus and remain at the top. The plough in this context signifies 'work' or whatever it is you have made up your mind to do. In the quote above, Jesus said that anyone that put his hand on the plough and then looks back will never get any benefit from the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God in this context is the reward that you get for not giving up on that which you have made up your mind to do.

One major habit of highly successful people is that they make decisions quickly and stick to that decision as much as they can without looking back or changing their minds when trials and temptations set in, whereas those at the lower plane of success hardly make any decision and when they do, are very quick to look the other way when trials sets in. To be successful in life you must learn never to look the other way, never to give up on your dreams or desires in life because of a truth when you look back, you end up becoming a pillar of salt (Lot's wife) and everything you have laboured for in the past would be worthless as sand on the sea shore.

Those who know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploits, so therefore one of the ways you can avoid looking back at what you started is to first know your God and to do that, you must study the word of God because the word of God is the knowledge of God and exploits in the kingdom has its root in the knowledge of God. Those who know their God hardly go down in life, they are always at the top of things, leading the way for others to follow. 

The problem you are facing right not is not as a result of the economy situation of the country or the environment you find yourself but of a truth is from the inside of you. There is no denying of the fact that even though the economy to some extent is bad, and nothing seems to work but still yet, people are buying new cars, building houses and even buying private jets, this goes to show that the economy is not the problem, the problem is 'you'. Deal with the inside of you, change your way of thinking by studying God's word and meditating on it daily, avoid living a wasteful life and you will surely be smiling even when others are frowning, your success will be sure and indeed you will move forward in life. 

In conclusion, the book of Ecclesiastes 7:8 said 'better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit'. Stay patient and never look back, surely you will reach your mark and destiny.

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