Thursday 26 May 2016


Quote of the day.jpg

Quote of the day is credited to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 - March 24 1882). He was an American poet and educator.


"The heights of great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flights but they while their companions slept were toiling upward in the night".


No one gets to the top and becomes great suddenly but gradual and consistent movement. It is like a man traveling a far journey and takes one step at a time before reaching his final destination. The heights of great men started with just a step even when others were too scared to make an attempt.

The world is full of people who fail to make plans for their future and ended up accepting the left overs life has to offer them. There are two types of people; the ones that sits down to watch others excel and the ones that acts now for others to watch, in order words there are the contributors and the spectators in life, which one of them you choose to belong will surely tell if you will end up great in life or live your life from left overs. My candid advice to you my dear friend is not to let life decide for you what you should do but to go out there and create the life you truly want.
Great men never became great suddenly, there must be something they possessed in them that made them toiled upward in the night even when others were sleeping and that 'secret' ingredient is passion and love for what they did. Without passion for what you are doing right now, you will hardly make it to the top, passion is what makes hard work seem like easy work. With passion you can run a thousand mile and it will seem like you ran 100 meter race. Passion separates achievers from non achievers, success from failures.

Another important factor to look into is that of timing, great men keep to time and this enable them make important and timely decisions unlike those that do not keep to time. One of the greatest asset a man can have is time and once time is spent, it cannot be recovered. The question is how efficiently do you make use of your time? by answering such question, you can boldly tell if you are already a great man or not. Avoid the use of your time for unnecessary things that will not add value to people's life but use and manage your time efficiently for the benefit of yourself and for others.

In conclusion, it is said that 'tiny little drops of water makes a river', so therefore you should take one step at a time in achieving your set down goals and by doing so, I must congratulate you for being great at whatever you do.

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