Sunday, 29 May 2016


Quote of the day is credited to Harry S. Truman (May 8, 1884 - December 26, 1972) who was the 33rd President of the United states of America.


"In reading the lives of great men,I found that the first victory they won was over themselves; self discipline with all of them came first."


To conquer oneself is to have total control of yourself. No life becomes useful without control, no one grows great without control. Discipline is one of the major characteristic of every great man and without it, one is left at the lower plain of achievement with all his efforts conquered and left shallow.

Having total control over oneself is one of the most difficult things to do because it involves letting go of those bad habits in the past and forming new ones. Habits once formed are very difficult to break and thus it will require time and energy to be able to break any thought pattern and form new ones. We can also say that to win victory over oneself is to become a law of yourself, that is you say boldly the things you want  out of life and the things you don't want and stick to it as much as you can, no matter what others are saying or trying to make you do something contrary.

One of the ways we can do away with bad habit is to study the word of God daily and meditate on it continually, by doing so, your life will be transformed and you will be confident at whatever you do and nothing shall seem impossible for with God all things are possible and with him you can achieve more than you ever expected.

In conclusion, a man of discipline is a man not easily tossed to and fro by the wind of circumstance, he has learned to deal with whatever life brings along his way, lighting the candle for a progressive change in his life and the lives of others. Be discipline to control your thoughts, behavior and actions and you will end up controlling the times which is the greatest asset in life.

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