Monday 25 April 2016


Quote of the day.jpg

Quote of the day is credited to King Solomon, the wisest King that ever lived.


 "Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished but he that gathers by labour shall increase." Proverbs 13:11.


Simply put, wealth gotten by vanity is wealth that you do not labour to get, you can say that it is wealth one gets by engaging in several acts that will not benefit his fellow man. Everyone wants to get rich but few believe in the dignity of labour as a prerequisite for getting wealth. Wealth gotten by fraudulent means must always diminish and be brought to nothing, whereas wealth gotten genuinely by dignified labour must surely last and be established.

Laziness is one of the main factor that makes one to engage in fraudulent acts all in the name of acquiring wealth that will not last. Laziness as the major root is the tendency for one to feel very reluctant to work and may be grouped into mental and physical laziness. Mental laziness is the reluctance of one to make efficient use of his brain or sense organs in solving problems or achieving purpose, while physical laziness is the reluctance to make use of your physical strength like your arms or parts of your body in performing certain task. You must first deal with mental laziness before you can deal with physical laziness.

In conclusion, wealth without labour will surely be brought to nothing but he that gathers and become wealthy by labour and hard work will surely increase in wealth.

My Question: What other factors can make one engage in fraudulent act to make wealth?

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