Wednesday 16 March 2016


Quote of the day is one of my Favourite Quote.


"Grab a coke and take a bite".


With a chilled bottle of coke by my side, I sat down one Saturday morning and certain thoughts began to flow like the rush of a shower into my mind, thoughts of how it all began from just a dream to what it has become being one of the highly sold soft drink across the world and with an estimated brand value of $56.1Billion according to Forbes lighted a burning sensation in my mind.

A man named John Pemberton who was a chemist in the United States of America invented Coca Cola in the year 1886 but soon fell ill due to his addiction of morphine (a pain relieving drug), and sold his patent right to Asa Candler in 1888. Before Pemberton died, he had a dream that some day, Coca Cola will be a national drink but instead it became a multi national drink sold in more than 200 countries around the world (the power of dream).

What is that dream that you have? No matter how it may seem unrealistic or unattainable, never you give up on your dream because it has a way of shaping your life and destiny. It took Coca Cola over a hundred years to get to where it is today proving the fact that 'Dreams never die'. Asa Candler, a businessman  who bought the patent right from Pemberton for $550 was also a dreamer. He founded the Coca Cola Company and made it a huge success by aggressively marketing the product.

Dreamers are indeed achievers, never has there been a great achiever who is not a dreamer, for one to be a great achiever, he must learn how to dream big. Pemberton dreamt of Coca Cola being a national drink but Asa candler saw beyond that, he saw a bigger picture of it not just a national drink but a multinational drink and this lead him to buy the entire formula and patent from a man who could not dream bigger the way he dreamed.

This goes to show that your progress in life is determined by how far you can see beyond where you are right now, how big is the picture you paint with your mind will determine the turn out of your life.

In conclusion, learn to dream big and always see a bigger picture in whatever you do because the more you can see ahead, the more greatness you have within yourself. Nothing is impossible to him that believes and knows how to dream, practice dreaming big and you would be surprise how great an achiever you are, you will excel above others and will always be at the top.

Download Audio Quote here.


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