Monday 15 February 2016


Quote of the day is credited to Curtis James Jackson. He is an America musician, entrepreneur, rapper popularly known by his stage name '50 Cent'.


"In life you either get rich or die trying." 


In life one just have to be decisive whether he wants to remain poor for the rest of his stay on earth or wants to get rich and live a life of fulfillment. The singer 50 cent made a statement for those that want to be rich and that is 'you either get rich or die trying', riches comes to those that desire to have it and to do just that, you must keep trying and never give up on it because if you do you may just die trying without becoming rich.

The world is yours, everything therein belongs to you and there is nothing you set your mind to achieve that you cannot achieve, all it takes is having a strong belief (faith) in your self and your God giving ability and will surely surmount all odds to get to your peak in life. Riches don't just come, it comes to those with a desire and determination to get it, in other words, if you don't have a strong desire to be rich, then it will be so difficult for you to get rich.

One major key or principle of getting rich is the principle of thoughts, Wallace Wattles made an intriguing and captivating statement in his book titled 'the science of getting rich' that 'that there is a thinking stuff from which all things are made and which in its original state permeates penetrates and fills the inter-spaces of the universe', he went further to say that 'a thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought'. This goes to proof a truth that 'as a man thinks in his heart, so he is', so if you develop the habit of thinking rich thoughts, you will be rich but if not, you will end up in the ravishing cold hands of poverty.

In conclusion, you either make up your mind to get rich and become rich or die trying, don't be a mediocre hanging on the top of a fence but be firm with your believe and thoughts of being rich, working towards achieving your goals and set purpose in life and surely you will be rich and not die trying to.

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