Sunday 14 February 2016


Quote of the day is Anonymous and Christian quote.


"Always give thanks and praise to God for making you what you are." 


Being alive to see this wonderful day that the Lord has made is not by your own power or making but by the special grace of God. Many are in the hospital in their sick bed but you are strong and healthy, many are hungry with no food to eat but you have sufficient to eat, many are handicapped one way or the other but your body is whole with no blemish attached, these are enough reasons why you should constantly give thanks and praise to your creator for the love and the provisions he has given to you.

Sing songs of Psalms unto him, bless him for who he is, for making you what you are today, for seeing you through those difficult situations and being your guide in whatever you do. Lift up your voice and worship him from the bottom of your heart cause he deserves your praise much more.

If not for God by my side, where would I be, if not for his love and compassion he has towards me, I would have been smelling rotten in the grave but his grace stood up for me, his mercies enveloped me and his love catered for me. In him I will lift up my voice to say thank you 'Papa'.

I want you to give God all the praise if you strongly believe from the depth of your heart that God has done something so wonderful in your life that he deserves all of the praise.

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