Monday 21 December 2015


Quote of the day is credited to Barack Obama, President of the United States of America (2015). He is considered to be the first black President of the United States. He is from Kenya.


"You cannot let failures define you. You have to let your failures teach you." 


Success should be your only option, failure should not, but even if you end up failing, never you let yourself be buried in your failures in life because failure is never meant to define you but to strengthen you in whatever you do in life. There is no one alive who have not had a mouthful taste of failure, we all have, to live without failing is to be dead to the life of greater possibilities.

Failure should be your best teacher to help guide you on how to do the right thing. There is no such thing as permanent failure, all that there is a failures are temporary defeats. I see life as a journey in which there are obstacles on the high way to slow your down so you do not over speed and get your self killed, these obstacles in real terms are failures because while you are thinking and biting your fingers with sadness that you failed, you never can tell if that failure was meant to save you from something negative which would have happened to you if not for you failing. There is a popular saying, 'every disappointment or failure is a blessing', this statement is actually true.

In conclusion, let your failures in life teach you on how to live your life to be successful but never you let it define your kind of person. Indeed being successful always should define your kind of person, in order words, when you fail, never you give up but keep trying and learning new lessons from your past failures, with time you will surely overcome all and have a smile at last.  

Thought of the day: I would like to conclude with this thought; Thomas Edison, one of the greatest scientist and inventor the world have ever known was quoted to have failed over ten thousand times(10,000) in trying to invent the incandescent bulb, and when he was asked why he never gave up, he replied; 'Indeed I have learned nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine different ways that never worked'.

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