Monday 21 December 2015


Quote of the day is credited to Anonymous.


"Always stay on top of your game,  never settle for less".


 The best way to keep abreast with success is to continually keep your head up and keep staring in the direction of success. Most people give up too soon when they are faced with lots of trials and challenges, please do not be one of such because your altitude in life is strongly connected with your ability to never back out even when the going seems tough and narrow. A lot of your friends would want to discourage you to look the other path apart from your true aim and purpose in life, do not fall for that because if you do, you will end up settling for less and guess you do not want to be called a failure later on. So stick to what you are doing and what you know how to do best, the world is earnestly waiting for you to bring your goods to the table. 

You may want to take out your time to ponder on this- do you know that nearly 100% of the most successful people in the world are those who stood firm to what they believe in and never gave up, no matter the odds, if likes of Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim Helu, Larry Page, and others referred by Forbes as the richest individuals in the world gave up too soon in their vision and dreams, the world would not have recognized them today. Although by not giving up, they paid the utmost price of success which is hard work, determination and endurance, these attributes skyrocketed them to being the most successful individuals in their respective work areas.

 Staying on top of your game brings success to your door step, it brings recognition and fame. You do not want to be seen as lesser being in your profession or area of specialization, others must accord you respect for what you know how to do best without settling for less. If you are doing a particular job for years and no one is recognizing your efforts, it is because you have not learnt to stay on top of your game and you still settle for less. Staying on top of your game requires certain ingredients which makes success pot of soup thicker(guess by now, you should be salivating), these includes but not limited to hardwork, focus, vision, determination, endurance, never say die attitude, the list goes on and on. What you should take home is that all these qualities makes you stand out from the crowd, oh! I forgot to add having a pleasant personality to the equation of success, this should be taken seriously because the way you interact with others within or outside your work place really matters a lot, there is a saying that '90% of your success in life depends on your attitude towards others while the other 10%, your aptitude', ponder on this carefully and you will realize that the way you interact with your colleagues in or outside your work place either spells  grace or doom for you. Always endeavour to relate with others positively, communicate effectively and show love and kindness to others because whether you like and accept it or not, these are the people that will shoulder you up to greater Heights in the long run.

Inconclusion, always stay positive and stay on top of your game, never you settle for less. 

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