Friday 6 November 2015


Quote of the day is credited to Barack Obama as follows.


"The future rewards those who press on. I do not have to feel sorry for myself, I do not have the time to complain, I am going to press on."


There is nothing like permanent failure in life, what most people refer to as 'failure', is just temporary defeats.You do not have to feel discouraged or 'fallen' whenever you encounter failure (temporary defeats), you do not have to feel sorry for yourself for that wonderful thing you were expecting to happen but never happened or your 'nearly' missed battles in life. All you just have to do is to press on and be forward thinking, forget about those lost battles for they mean not much now to think about. Focus your mind on the now and press on much more harder than ever and you will surely break through in all your endeavors.

Failure is a useful tool for getting to the top, most great men that got to the top either in business, politics or what have you failed at some point in time in their lives. The man named Thomas Edison who invented the Incandescent light bulb failed about 9,999 times before he was able to succeed and when asked how he was able to press on after so much failures, he replied, 'I never saw myself a failure, instead I discovered 9,999 ways of not inventing the light bulb', that indeed is very remarkable to you out there trying to succeed at something. They say 'winners live to eat the best portion of the meal while those that quit end up having nothing to eat at the end of the day'.

In conclusion, the future does not belong to quitters, it belongs to those that never give up on their dreams no matter how the road seemed very rough and narrow, they never complained, they just pressed on and finally made it for the world to see. My advice for you is never to give up on your dreams and in what you believe in , if there is any obstacle on the way, do not turn around from the obstacle standing on your way to greatness instead press on really hard and that obstacle must surely give way for you to succeed.

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